How to Uninstall Officejet 4300
- 1). Click the Windows logo at the bottom of the desktop, and then click "All Programs."
- 2). Open the "HP" and "Officejet 4300 All-in-One Series" folders on the Start menu.
- 3). Click the "Uninstall" icon, and follow the software prompts to remove the HP Officejet 4300 software from the computer. Return to the desktop when the process is complete.
- 4). Click the Start icon again, and then click "Devices and Printers."
- 5). Right-click the icon for the HP Officejet 4300 printer, and select "Remove Device."
- 6). Click "Yes" to confirm, and then click "Continue" if Windows prompts you for permission to remove the device.
- 7). Disconnect the HP Officejet 4300 USB cable from the back of the computer.