How to Rate Laptop Computers
- 1). Consider the amount of memory in the laptop. Generally speaking, the less expensive the laptop the less memory it will have, but you can spice up those budget laptops by adding more RAM. Memory prices have fallen sharply in recent years, so it is always a good idea to buy as much memory as you can afford.
- 2). Look for a laptop with plenty of hard drive space. Most computer owners end up using more hard drive space than they think they will, so erring on the side of too much storage is always a good idea. Look for laptop with a storage capacity of at least 500GB, preferably 750GB or more. Keep in mind it will be more difficult to replace a hard drive in a laptop than in a desktop.
- 3). Choose a laptop with the highest processor speed you can afford. The processor speed will determine how fast your laptop performs, so be sure to look at the speed rating carefully.
- 4). Consider buying a laptop with a new Blu-ray DVD burner instead of a standard DVD drive. Having a DVD burner will make it easier to back up your important files, while having a Blu-ray player will allow you to watch your favorite movies wherever and whenever you want.
- 5). Look for a laptop with a long battery life. Battery life is essential for a laptop, so unless you want to spend all your time swapping batteries, look at the battery life rating as you shop. Also look for a laptop that comes with a spare battery and a fast charger---that will make your laptop much more useful on the road.