RC Components
- The vehicle's chassis is the mechanical car itself stripped of all electronic components. The chassis is the physical car, which houses the transmission and drivetrain, and includes everything used to control the vehicle (like the tires and suspension systems). In general, most vehicle chassis are made of plastic; however, some high-performance chassis are manufactured from poly-carbonate or fiberglass.
- The receiver is a radio communication device mounted to the vehicle's chassis. It translates signals from the transmitter into mechanical movements of the vehicle. Receivers are small, plastic boxes that connect all the vehicle's electronic devices. An antennae allows for distant communication between transmitter and receiver, ensuring that the driver maintains control over the vehicle at all times.
- RC vehicles use either electric motors or nitro engines to propel them forward (or backward). The electric motor turns electrical energy into mechanical force, which is then transferred into the vehicle's transmission; a nitro engine combusts nitro fuel to turn a piston, which then turns the vehicle's transmission.
- A servo is employed to steer all RC vehicles, but servos are also used to manipulate the settings of a nitro engine while the vehicle is driving. A servo is a small box that houses a small motor and a series of gears. These devices link directly into the receiver, and use a small, cylindrical arm to turn the chassis's steering or throttle mechanisms.
- In electric vehicles, the energy source is the rechargeable battery; generally either nickel-metal hydride (NiMH) or nickel cadmium (NiCAD). In nitro vehicles, the energy source is a fuel tank filled with nitro fuel, which is fed into the engine. The energy source powers the electric motor or nitro engine that propels the vehicle forward or backward.
- In an electric vehicle, the electronic speed control (ESC) is responsible for retrieving signals from the receiver and transferring them to the motor. The electronic speed control also links the battery pack to the rest of the electronic components. It controls the vehicle's throttle, and enables the driver to drive the car at variable speeds. A nitro vehicle does not require an ESC.
Energy Source
Electronic Speed Control (ESC)