The Best Ways to Kill Lawn Grass

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    • The fastest way to kill grass is to use chemicals. However, there are often restrictions on the types you can use, depending on regulations in your particular area, as these chemicals are quite toxic and can leach into the groundwater and waterways. Also, if you have pets or children in your home or neighborhood, this might not be a good solution for you. If you do decide to go the chemical route, check first with your local nurseries, as they will know the best types of chemicals to use for your yard and also what is legal in your area. Examples of such products are Roundup, Ortho GroundClear Vegetation Killer and Spectracide Weed & Grass Killer. Always check the precautions and warnings and follow the directions exactly.

    The Natural Way

    • There are several ways you can kill grass naturally, although most of these will take more time than a chemical process. You can use newspaper to kill your lawn. Mow the lawn, then wet the area and then lay thick layers of newspaper (about 10 to 12 sheets thick), overlapping the edges and watering them as you go. Add mulch or landscape fabric on top. Another method uses plastic. Cover the grass with sheets of black plastic and weigh them down with rocks. Both the newspaper and plastic techniques can take weeks or months, depending upon the size of the area involved. A third way is to use regular or pickling vinegar, avoiding spraying it on plants you don't want harmed. One tip with vinegar: use it during hot weather. You can also use salt water, but this tends to kill wildlife, like helpful worms, as well as all plant life on which it is used.


    • Although crabgrass isn't a grass at all, but a weed, it is the bane of many gardeners. If you just want to spot-kill crabgrass, then try a chemical designed specially for crabgrass such as one containing monosodium acid methane arsonate (MSMA). Note that if you don't want to kill surrounding grass, don't use it in lawns of St. Augustine or centipede grass, as it may also kill your lawn grass. Young crabgrass usually only needs one treatment, whereas mature growth make take more. Don't mow before using the product or water afterward (and make sure there is no rain forecast for 24 hours). You can also use the vinegar treatment, or pour boiling hot water on the crabgrass. Both vinegar and boiling water will also kill surrounding grass and plants.

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