Finding the Healthy, Mature Dating Relationship You Long For With Online Dating
My ex and I were in what I thought was a mature dating relationship. We had a lot of fun, and good times. Things were very passionate and sincere for us, and I thought things were going smooth. I was about to say those three words that I had found difficult to say to any guy, when he blurted out, "you are fun, but I have something to tell you. I have been seeing someone else."
As you can imagine that was the last time I ever spoke to him. It took me a few months of depression and self pity before finally deciding to date other people. I tried dating other guys that I met at the bars I frequented, but obviously that was not something that could ever turn into a healthy relationship. I was not in any condition to date someone.
I actually tried online dating, and I am so happy that I did. It didn't take long to fill out the profile on the website and the next day, in fact, I got word back from the website I had a match. Sam and I met at a coffee shop and from our first meeting I have been absolutely fascinated by him. He's sincere, sweet, thoughtful, and the best part is, I know he is looking for a long-term relationship, and not playing games with me.
I know there are many people who are wondering if the hype is true about online dating. I am writing to those people to tell them that they really should try it. It really works, and you don't have anything to lose!