Learn the Secret From the Best-Selling Law of Attraction Book
There's an old adage that says, "What you can conceive and believe, you can achieve, with a positive mental attitude.
" The operative words here are conceive and believe.
A best-selling volume published in 2006 called, "The Secret, " is all about achieving through conception and belief.
It's the definitive Law of Attraction book.
Of course, this Law of Attraction isn't something new.
It's a natural law, not unlike the Law of Gravity, which has been in operation since the world was first created.
It wasn't until Sir Isaac Newton observed the apple falling from the tree and put pen to paper to describe his observation that the Law of Gravity was named, but it had always been there, just as it is today.
The Law of Attraction has always been there too, but known to only a select few through the ages.
These were the people in history who each had a huge impact in their particular spheres of influence.
Seers, prophets, inventors, business wizards, artists, statesmen and others have used and are using this natural Law to conceive and achieve.
But now, the secret is out.
It's not just a select few who now have access to the information about attracting things into your life, it's anybody who reads the book or sees the movie called, "The Secret, " and who has the capacity to conceive and believe.
Millions have already read the book and/or seen the movie and many of them are living testaments to the effectiveness of the "Secret's" teachings.
Many are also proof that the teachings don't work, because even after learning and applying the techniques taught in the material their lives have not seen significant change for the better.
As with most things, some fail and some succeed.
By now most people are familiar with the concept of a 'Law of Karma' or the sayings, "You get what you give, " or, "What goes around comes around.
" These are all various ways of expressing the Law that determines what kinds of things will come into your life.
Basically, we each create our own realities, based upon the nature of our thoughts, feelings and expectations.
Without exception, every human being on earth has the innate ability to transform him or herself into the ideal captured in their mind's eye.
When each of us was created we were endowed with an eternal link to the Force (or Source) that created us, and also given creative powers ourselves.
These powers only need to be acknowledged to be readily available for use by anyone with the necessary desire.
Make no mistake.
The Law of Attraction is in operation 24/7 whether we acknowledge it or not, just like the Law of Gravity.
Even if you totally discount its presence, stepping off a 20-story building is still going to be painful and probably fatal.
As they say, gravity sucks.
But learning about these natural laws and using them positively to better oneself and the world is always an on-going option.
Your life is like a garden.
If you plant a grain of corn after properly tilling the soil and then take care to nourish and protect your plant soon you'll be eating sweet corn.
If you just let the plot stand untended you might get some pretty wild flowers growing, but mostly you'll just get weeds.
The Law of Attraction book can help you grow just what you desire.
" The operative words here are conceive and believe.
A best-selling volume published in 2006 called, "The Secret, " is all about achieving through conception and belief.
It's the definitive Law of Attraction book.
Of course, this Law of Attraction isn't something new.
It's a natural law, not unlike the Law of Gravity, which has been in operation since the world was first created.
It wasn't until Sir Isaac Newton observed the apple falling from the tree and put pen to paper to describe his observation that the Law of Gravity was named, but it had always been there, just as it is today.
The Law of Attraction has always been there too, but known to only a select few through the ages.
These were the people in history who each had a huge impact in their particular spheres of influence.
Seers, prophets, inventors, business wizards, artists, statesmen and others have used and are using this natural Law to conceive and achieve.
But now, the secret is out.
It's not just a select few who now have access to the information about attracting things into your life, it's anybody who reads the book or sees the movie called, "The Secret, " and who has the capacity to conceive and believe.
Millions have already read the book and/or seen the movie and many of them are living testaments to the effectiveness of the "Secret's" teachings.
Many are also proof that the teachings don't work, because even after learning and applying the techniques taught in the material their lives have not seen significant change for the better.
As with most things, some fail and some succeed.
By now most people are familiar with the concept of a 'Law of Karma' or the sayings, "You get what you give, " or, "What goes around comes around.
" These are all various ways of expressing the Law that determines what kinds of things will come into your life.
Basically, we each create our own realities, based upon the nature of our thoughts, feelings and expectations.
Without exception, every human being on earth has the innate ability to transform him or herself into the ideal captured in their mind's eye.
When each of us was created we were endowed with an eternal link to the Force (or Source) that created us, and also given creative powers ourselves.
These powers only need to be acknowledged to be readily available for use by anyone with the necessary desire.
Make no mistake.
The Law of Attraction is in operation 24/7 whether we acknowledge it or not, just like the Law of Gravity.
Even if you totally discount its presence, stepping off a 20-story building is still going to be painful and probably fatal.
As they say, gravity sucks.
But learning about these natural laws and using them positively to better oneself and the world is always an on-going option.
Your life is like a garden.
If you plant a grain of corn after properly tilling the soil and then take care to nourish and protect your plant soon you'll be eating sweet corn.
If you just let the plot stand untended you might get some pretty wild flowers growing, but mostly you'll just get weeds.
The Law of Attraction book can help you grow just what you desire.