Corduroy Wall Painting Techniques

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    • Clean the surface area before applying plaster to the walls. Walls should be free of dirt and debris. Lightly wash walls with water and a splash of bleach of necessary. Remove all cobwebs from ceiling corners. Remove all switch plates and outlet covers to save time on the project. Move all the furniture from the room to avoid paint drips and spills. Cover remaining accessories and flooring with plastic and drop cloths.

    Plaster and Trowels

    • The corduroy plaster is applied to the wall using a trowel and dry wall plaster. Use lightweight joint compound to avoid cracks from forming as the plaster dries. Approximately 1 gallon will cover 50 square feet of wall space. Apply the plaster in very thin even layers using a hand-held trowel. A drywall trowel will work; however, specially made faux finish trowels are recommended. A trowel made specifically for applying faux finish plasters commonly has beveled corner edges, and not a sharp edge seen on most drywall trowels. Sharp indentations and lines are cut into the wet plaster with a drywall trowel, and should be avoided. The layers should be about ¾ inch thick and evenly applied. Have a 5-gallon bucket with warm water and a rag available to clean the trowel when plaster begins to form and dry on the tool.

    Creating Texture

    • Trowel on plaster in sections about 3 feet wide before adding texture. The entire vertical section, from the top of the ceiling to the floor, must be plastered. Tools used to create a corduroy finish include wide-tooth combs, horse grooming brushes and even wallpaper brushes. Each brush will give a slightly different texture. It is best to practice the technique on a sample board. Using the designated tool, comb the plaster from the very top, near the ceiling, directly down to the floor. Do not pause or stop while running the tool through the plaster. Comb the plaster as evenly as possible. Clean out the tool with water before combing each new section of plaster.

    Dry Time and Color

    • Allow plaster to dry for 24 hours. The combing process may add several nubs and bumps of plaster to the walls. Use light grit sandpaper and sand walls. Remove dust from walls by washing with a light rag. Large amounts of dust will not allow proper bonding and adhesion between the latex paint and drywall texture.

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