Tips And Facts Of Healthy Eating
We acquire eating habits yet in childhood. And it seems that as your parents and you eat so, it is a right decision. But, perhaps, your eating style is far from being perfect. Read this article and compare.
What is the proper way of eating proteins?
At one seat one should eat together with a protein-rich meal any starch-free products. And also add following green-stuffs: cabbage, tops of root crops, string beans and simple beans, onion, zucchini, spinach, celery and other starch-free vegetables. Try to avoid consuming protein-full food together with such vegetables as root crops, bean cultures, potato and different cereals. The best addition to protein-rich dishes or starch-full ones are green leaf-vegetables, seasoned with nothing. You can add tomatoes, bell peppers, cabbage, radish into this salad.
What is the proper way of eating starch?
Starch poorly combines with other products. But starch-full dishes are badly combined even inter se. For example, potato and bread are digested in different ways. Therefore they will interfere one with another. Starch food is to be properly chewed, because it needs to be processed with saliva for an adequate assimilation. Such meal is preferable for dinner. While cooking cereals do not make a "gruel", a porridge should be somehow dry. It is more useful. Light vegetables and root crops combine with starch much better. Those enzymes which are present in green-stuffs help to digest starches.
What is the proper way of eating fruit?
It is very healthful to combine fruit with nuts. Moreover, every fruit is easily digested with root crops and starch-free vegetables. Do not mix fruit with other products. Do not eat fruit for a snack. Let it be your breakfast or dinner. Yet it is useful to eat fruit a half an hour before a meal. Never combine sweet and sour fruits. Eat them separately. Those fruits which got ripe at one season combine better. You can make a salad of different fruits and celery.
Taking meal during a day
Right after a night rest a human body has not got a full need of breakfast. Besides it also requires an energy for further food digestion. That is why, one should take only light meal in the morning, such as fresh fruit or vegetable juices. Fruits are assimilated easily and quickly and they fill body with energy.
As starches require quite a lot of time to be digested, it is better to leave such meal for a lunch. Starch processing takes not less than three hours. A man gets a huge energy from starch-full products which can be spent for work after lunch.
Such meal as a meat, a cottage cheese, a fish and beans are better for dinner. One needs not less than four hours for digestion of these products. During a night the proteins from food help an organism to restore after a working day.
By the way, such recommendations are very similar to those, given by the Ayurveda doctors. According the Ayurveda one should wake up a bit before six o'clock for a body and a spirit to be bright. Right after waking up one needs to take some warmed-up water. It will initiate the work of a digestive tract. Have a breakfast only when you actually want it. A breakfast should consist of fruit and be light. From twelve to fourteen o'clock you are free to allow yourself everything you want. After a hearty lunch sit a bit and breathe with the left nostril closed. According the Ayurveda thus we activate the digestion work. After that take a walk for ten minutes.
From eighteen to twenty o'clock have a light dinner including protein and vegetables. After a dinner do the same exercises, as you did after the previous meal.
What is the proper way of eating proteins?
At one seat one should eat together with a protein-rich meal any starch-free products. And also add following green-stuffs: cabbage, tops of root crops, string beans and simple beans, onion, zucchini, spinach, celery and other starch-free vegetables. Try to avoid consuming protein-full food together with such vegetables as root crops, bean cultures, potato and different cereals. The best addition to protein-rich dishes or starch-full ones are green leaf-vegetables, seasoned with nothing. You can add tomatoes, bell peppers, cabbage, radish into this salad.
What is the proper way of eating starch?
Starch poorly combines with other products. But starch-full dishes are badly combined even inter se. For example, potato and bread are digested in different ways. Therefore they will interfere one with another. Starch food is to be properly chewed, because it needs to be processed with saliva for an adequate assimilation. Such meal is preferable for dinner. While cooking cereals do not make a "gruel", a porridge should be somehow dry. It is more useful. Light vegetables and root crops combine with starch much better. Those enzymes which are present in green-stuffs help to digest starches.
What is the proper way of eating fruit?
It is very healthful to combine fruit with nuts. Moreover, every fruit is easily digested with root crops and starch-free vegetables. Do not mix fruit with other products. Do not eat fruit for a snack. Let it be your breakfast or dinner. Yet it is useful to eat fruit a half an hour before a meal. Never combine sweet and sour fruits. Eat them separately. Those fruits which got ripe at one season combine better. You can make a salad of different fruits and celery.
Taking meal during a day
Right after a night rest a human body has not got a full need of breakfast. Besides it also requires an energy for further food digestion. That is why, one should take only light meal in the morning, such as fresh fruit or vegetable juices. Fruits are assimilated easily and quickly and they fill body with energy.
As starches require quite a lot of time to be digested, it is better to leave such meal for a lunch. Starch processing takes not less than three hours. A man gets a huge energy from starch-full products which can be spent for work after lunch.
Such meal as a meat, a cottage cheese, a fish and beans are better for dinner. One needs not less than four hours for digestion of these products. During a night the proteins from food help an organism to restore after a working day.
By the way, such recommendations are very similar to those, given by the Ayurveda doctors. According the Ayurveda one should wake up a bit before six o'clock for a body and a spirit to be bright. Right after waking up one needs to take some warmed-up water. It will initiate the work of a digestive tract. Have a breakfast only when you actually want it. A breakfast should consist of fruit and be light. From twelve to fourteen o'clock you are free to allow yourself everything you want. After a hearty lunch sit a bit and breathe with the left nostril closed. According the Ayurveda thus we activate the digestion work. After that take a walk for ten minutes.
From eighteen to twenty o'clock have a light dinner including protein and vegetables. After a dinner do the same exercises, as you did after the previous meal.