How to Insert Elastic in a Casing
- 1). Cut a 24-inch length of thread with your scissors and thread your needle with it so the thread is doubled. Tie a knot at the end of the two12-inch lengths of thread and put your needle and thread aside.
- 2). Fasten your safety pin to one end of the elastic and close the safety pin. Feed the safety pin and elastic into the opening of the casing, working the pin through the casing by pushing on the pin and pulling back on the fabric section the pin just went through. The motion should resemble that of the movement of an inchworm. As you do this, make sure the other end of the elastic remains outside the casing.
- 3). Sew the ends of the elastic together once the safety pin emerges from the casing and is removed from the elastic.
- 4). Sew the open section of the casing closed.