When to Plant Jasmine
- Jasmine plants fall in to two main categories: summer jasmine (Jasminum officinale) and winter jasmine (Jasminum nudiflorum). Summer jasmine plants flower in summertime while winter jasmine flowers late in the year, hence the names. For the best results, gardeners should plant summer jasmine in the spring or autumn seasons. Plant winter jasmine in the autumn or winter seasons.
- Leave plenty of space between root bulbs so their roots don't compete with each other.jasmine flower on green image by Piter Pkruger from Fotolia.com
Remove weeds throughout the planting site. Place jasmine root balls in shallow holes, leaving the ball's top even with the soil, and add a bit of leaf mold to the hole for healthy growth. As jasmine grows quickly and robustly, leave about 8 feet of space between each plant. Plant especially vigorous varieties such as star jasmine about 20 feet apart. Plant summer jasmine with a south or southwest facing aspect. Winter jasmine, a more shade-tolerant type of plant, tolerates all aspects, including south and southeast facing aspects. Plant jasmine near gates or walls to encourage climbing. - No matter when they're planted, all jasmine plants thrive in full or partial sunlight and moderate temperatures of about 50 to 80 degrees Fahrenheit. Jasmine needs about four hours of sunlight each day. It flourishes in nutrient-rich, well-drained soil with a pH rating of about 5 to 8. This flowering plant tolerates sandy loam and clay soils, so long as the soil is moist. In the United States, jasmine grows in hardiness zones 6 through 10.
- Jasmine thrives with very little care.jasmine image by Maria Brzostowska from Fotolia.com
Typical rainfall of about 10 to 100 inches of precipitation per year usually provides enough water for jasmine plants, though you can water them freely during dry summer months. High-potassium liquid fertilizer helps the plant flourish. Apply fertilizer, and optional lime for healthy growth, during the spring season. Both summer and winter types of jasmine require pruning just after flowering. Weed around the plant's roots regularly to prevent root interference.
When to Plant
How to Plant
Ideal Conditions