Kids' Projects With Shrinky Dinks
- Shrinky Dinks are semi-translucent and shiny after you draw on them and shrink them, and you can heighten this look with a coat of craft varnish or clear nail polish. Take advantage of these properties for the creation of some custom-made costume jewelry designs. Draw large pictures of gem shapes in settings and color them with permanent marker. Make them about four times the size you want the finished piece to be. Punch the stringing hole before you bake the plastic.
- For kids who have dollhouses, Shrinky Dinks are the perfect thing for making stylized, stained glass-like wall photos for dollhouse walls. Draft the artwork using a photo of a real stained glass window, or trace a small drawing (or half-scale photo) of similar style artwork in your own home.
- If you like to keep your kids' artwork on your fridge, use Shrinky Dinks to turn some of their best artwork into permanent fridge magnets. Lay a sheet of Shrinky Dink plastic over the drawing. Secure the paper to the plastic using clear tape. Trace the lines in permanent marker, then cut out the plastic around the edges of the drawing. After baking, secure the miniaturized plastic version of the drawing to a disc magnet using tacky craft glue or hot glue. This craft project makes a great gift for family friends and relatives.
- Create a bookmark charm featuring one of your child's favorite book characters. Start with one of your child's own drawings of the character and trace it, or trace a coloring book image, if one has been published. If not, use cover art or illustrations from the book itself. Trace and color it with permanent markers. When you cut out the character, leave a little extra space at the top and punch a hole there using a paper hole punch. After baking, thread the hole with a length of ribbon or decorative cord and securely tie this to a punched hole in a strip of 1-by-4-inch colored tag board. To use, place the tag board inside the book and leave the character charm hanging outside.
Dollhouse Pictures
Fridge Magnet
Bookmark Charm