Warm Your Homes With Electric Underfloor Heating
Electric underfloor heating is one of the best technologies available today which help you keep your homes warm and comfortable.
At the same time, it also helps you save enormously on your electricity bills, providing some much needed respite in the current world of financial uncertainty.
With so many people losing their jobs, and the government giving out huge concessions to people who are investing in upgraded, eco friendly and power saving devices, purchasing an electric underfloor heating system could never be more right.
Like they say - Strike when the iron is red.
The time is absolutely right now, and hence you must make the most of it.
History of underfloor heating Traditionally, in the past, where there were no air conditioning systems, ancient Koreans had developed a unique way of keeping themselves warm.
They used to develop tunnels underneath their homes, which used to be filled with hot air with the help of burning coals.
The air used to get heated up below the homes, which kept the upper surfaces warm.
Electric underfloor heating is a much more modernised version of this.
Modern systems It consists of a system of interconnected pipes that are hollow.
These are provided with a connection to a plug which has to be connected to a power socket.
This entire system is laid between the ground on which your house is built and the flooring of your home.
When the power is turned on, the pipes get heated up, and in turn heat the air between the ground and the floor.
Thus, your floors remain warm and protected from the chilling grounds.
This is especially useful during cold winters, when the frost puts its icy tentacles all over the ground.
The best part about electric underfloor heating is that it helps you save on electricity.
Generally, when there is no such system in place, the floors of our home gets chilled easily due to their direct contact with the ground.
Also, the cold drafts from outside seep in through open cracks in windows, and from underneath the doors.
Thus, your floor becomes extremely cold.
It causes your radiators to act up, and use a lot more energy in the effort of keeping your homes warm.
Thus, you end up wasting a lot of money.
On the other hand, with an electric underfloor heating system in place, you can ensure that this doesn't happen.
Benefits of Insulation Under floor heating insulation gives you further savings on your electricity bills.
This means that you need to coat the walls of the gap between the floor and the ground with a good insulating material.
If you use a thick, thermal insulating material, you needn't even use the system at all times.
If you just turn it on during the night for a few hours when the electricity costs are low, you will be able to stay warm throughout the night.
During the day, it will use the natural light.
The heat from a few hours' worth of power will ensure that your floor remains warm for a long time.
At the same time, it also helps you save enormously on your electricity bills, providing some much needed respite in the current world of financial uncertainty.
With so many people losing their jobs, and the government giving out huge concessions to people who are investing in upgraded, eco friendly and power saving devices, purchasing an electric underfloor heating system could never be more right.
Like they say - Strike when the iron is red.
The time is absolutely right now, and hence you must make the most of it.
History of underfloor heating Traditionally, in the past, where there were no air conditioning systems, ancient Koreans had developed a unique way of keeping themselves warm.
They used to develop tunnels underneath their homes, which used to be filled with hot air with the help of burning coals.
The air used to get heated up below the homes, which kept the upper surfaces warm.
Electric underfloor heating is a much more modernised version of this.
Modern systems It consists of a system of interconnected pipes that are hollow.
These are provided with a connection to a plug which has to be connected to a power socket.
This entire system is laid between the ground on which your house is built and the flooring of your home.
When the power is turned on, the pipes get heated up, and in turn heat the air between the ground and the floor.
Thus, your floors remain warm and protected from the chilling grounds.
This is especially useful during cold winters, when the frost puts its icy tentacles all over the ground.
The best part about electric underfloor heating is that it helps you save on electricity.
Generally, when there is no such system in place, the floors of our home gets chilled easily due to their direct contact with the ground.
Also, the cold drafts from outside seep in through open cracks in windows, and from underneath the doors.
Thus, your floor becomes extremely cold.
It causes your radiators to act up, and use a lot more energy in the effort of keeping your homes warm.
Thus, you end up wasting a lot of money.
On the other hand, with an electric underfloor heating system in place, you can ensure that this doesn't happen.
Benefits of Insulation Under floor heating insulation gives you further savings on your electricity bills.
This means that you need to coat the walls of the gap between the floor and the ground with a good insulating material.
If you use a thick, thermal insulating material, you needn't even use the system at all times.
If you just turn it on during the night for a few hours when the electricity costs are low, you will be able to stay warm throughout the night.
During the day, it will use the natural light.
The heat from a few hours' worth of power will ensure that your floor remains warm for a long time.