Recognising If You Are Emetophobic, Emetophobia Eraser Program Explained
Are you concerned about being sick to such an extent that you think about it almost continuously all day long? People who feel this way suffer from a phobia that is known as Emetophobia - or the fear of being sick.
A large number of the people who are Emetophobic also dread the sensation of feeling sick and cannot be in the same room as anyone who is being sick of feeling sick.
This phobia goes much deeper than merely disliking being sick, it affected persons entire life.
If you need help in recognising if you are Emetophobic take a look at the following statements and see if they are true or false to you.
At this point it is time to consider using an Emetophobia Eraser to deal with your concerns or speak to a doctor to help you to break the cycle.
A large number of the people who are Emetophobic also dread the sensation of feeling sick and cannot be in the same room as anyone who is being sick of feeling sick.
This phobia goes much deeper than merely disliking being sick, it affected persons entire life.
If you need help in recognising if you are Emetophobic take a look at the following statements and see if they are true or false to you.
- You regularly experience panic attacks brought on by the worry of being sick or feeling sick.
- You no longer attend parties or social events as you are fearful of being sick in front of other people.
- Eating out in somewhere other than your own home is virtually impossible as you are very concerned about the cleanliness of the food it is being served.
- You base your entire day around avoiding the feeling of being sick.
This can cause you to make some strange decisions and you may even avoid going to work if you know someone has had food poisoning for example. - You have made a list of food and drink that you are not allowed to eat as they are likely to trigger an episode of being sick.
- You think about being sick and start to worry about it numerous times each day.
At this point it is time to consider using an Emetophobia Eraser to deal with your concerns or speak to a doctor to help you to break the cycle.