How To Infant and Baby Footwear: Participate in Robeez Fourth Annual Season of Giving
For the fourth year in a row, Robeez has launched their Season of Giving Campaign. Their goal this year is to send $250,000 in product donations this holiday season. <p>Participation is so easy, you may find yourself making repeat visits to the website between now and December 20 when the promotion ends.</p>
Difficulty: Easy
Time Required: 5 minutes
Here's How:
- Head to the Robeez Season of Giving Website.
For every e-card sent from the Robeez Season of Giving website, they'll make a $5 product donation via their charitable partner, Kids in Distressed Situations (K.I.D.S).
- If you have a personal blog, write about it.
Each time a blogger posts about the Robeez campaign, Robeez will make an additional $25 product donation. All you need to do is send a link of your post to - Sit back and cross your fingers.
When you send an e-card, Robeez will enter you in to a drawing for a chance to win one of seven new Shoes and Socks Gift Sets.