How to Plant and Space Turnip Greens
- 1). Prepare the soil by turning it with a rake. Remove weeds and unwanted debris as needed.
- 2). Plant turnip seeds 1/4 inch deep, 3 inches apart. Plant the length of your row and cover the seeds gently with soil.
- 3). Begin the next row 18 inches apart from the last row. Continue planting until you have as many rows as your area can accommodate.
- 4). Water turnip green seeds with about 1 inch of water each week.
- 5). Weed the area as necessary to keep your turnip greens free of competitors for water and soil nutrients.
- 6). Harvest the green leaves of the plant about two months after planting, when the leaves are about 4 to 6 inches above the ground. The plant will continue to grow unless you chop it at the "growing point," which is at the top of the bulb at ground level.