Coconut Water Benefits

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As refreshing as that soda might be, how is it helping you? Truth is, if it's the sugar cane kind, you're just consuming empty calories, and it's probably not making you feel any better.
Not even quenching your thirst for long.
If it's the 'diet' kind, what you're consuming is far, far worse.
You might as well go back to smoking.
However, as it always does, the planet has supplies us with an amazingly healthy way of hydrating, complete with its own packaging, and even a corresponding snack, just in case you're hungry.
Obviously, I'm talking about coconut water, found in abundant supply throughout most of the tropical regions of the world.
This life-saving and life-enhancing liquid has been the saviour of many cultures for literally thousands of years.
In fact, as far back in history as there are records.
It can be consumed in vast quantities (just be considerate while on a low-sodium diet) and carried in its nut for days and days without any fear of spoilage, regardless of heat, as it is a natural preservative.
The health benefits of coconut water are practically identical to that of coconut oil, with no ill effects coming from its consumption.
In fact, many athletes are now using this all-natural alternative to the chemical production-line products that have been misleadingly described as 'healthy'.
The difference is coconut water, like its oil, is a medium-chain fatty acid, and as such, is converted directly into energy, instead of needing to pass through the liver, and receive the pancreatic enzymes to result in the same energy production.
Not only does this reduce organ stress, but it also increases the metabolic rate without delay, thus adding in immediate energetic returns and increasing weight loss, regardless of what else is being consumed.
In fact, coconut products, because of their tendency to naturally increase the body's metabolic rate, is one of the best ways to lose weight, other than eating proper foods at proper times, in the right combinations, and getting plenty of exercise and sleep.
In the case of people with blood sugar problems, such as diabetics, coconut water is has a glycemic index (how the product changes the level of the sugar in the blood) that is considerably lower than that of cane sugar, and has absolutely none of the negative effects associated with almost every other sugar substitute.
Not all coconut water products taste the same, as there are quite a variety of coconuts around the world.
Additionally, although preparing coconut products is one of the most natural processes of all foods (amazingly simply while not using any preservatives), there are slight variations in these processes.
Some companies do mix in additional coconut sugars to sweeten the water, supposedly to make it more attractive to consumers, but most athletes will tell you that the sweeter a liquid, the less it will actually quench your thirst, so consider what your intent is.
After all is said and done, the only reason you're so hooked on that soda is probably only because you're used to drinking it.
If you're really concerned about your health, trying to lose weight, or are just looking for something more appropriate to your lifestyle, find out more about the wonders of coconut water, and start using it.
Stop hurting yourself.
Remember, charity begins at home, and a better life begins with better health.
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