Sensual Massage Can Unleash the Passion!
Make yourself an appointment and go have a massage before you give one to your partner.
Sensual touch stimulates small nerves, call c-tactile fibers, which in turn release the hormone oxytocin.
This specific hormone is what gives us feelings of pleasure and relaxation.
Oxytocin is also known as the love and cuddle hormone.
That's why it always feels so wonderful when we are getting a massage.
Once you have experienced a massage for yourself, you will be ready to enjoy giving one to your partner.
Begin by setting the mood, such as romantic lighting, soft music, comfortable bed or table.
and lighting candles, such as an edible warming massage candle.
You can have your partner start with body facing down.
Putting a pillow under the pelvis and thighs, will help eliminate strain on the lower back.
You can also try using a blindfold, so that your partner can concentrate on the massage and the sensual touching.
Removing the sense of seeing will increase your partner's stimulation from your touch.
The massage oil or lotion that you are using should be warm prior to applying to your partner's skin.
You can always warm the lotion or oil in your hands, by rubbing them together, or if you are using a warming massage candle, you can use a spoon to drip the warm oil on to the skin (our Tasty Temptation warming massage candles do not get hot like normal candle wax, it is warm and sensual) and then begin to massage with soft, light strokes before attempting a deeper massage.
You can use more than your hands for this massage.
Try using your tongue, hair, breasts or maybe a prop such as a feather.
Once you have started this romantic gesture, gauge your partners level of arousal and either continue with the massage or move on to more sensual play.
Massage can bring you closer together and help open the lines of communication in your relationship, which leads to a better and stronger bond with your partner.