The Big Secrets Behind What Women Truly Want in Their Man! A Must Know For You
That was a movie.
In reality, you seem to go around in circles and still are unable to figure out what is it that makes women tick.
It is really not that impossible to unravel the mystery called "woman".
To find out more about what women want in their man, read on...
Treat her like a woman Women love that...
better still, treat her like a queen.
You have to make her feel that she is the object of your attention and time stands still when you are around her.
As much of feminism that women shout out, they love a guy who holds the door open, pulls out their chair for them and buys those flowers.
Having said that make sure that at all times you behave like a man...
in control and confident Get the signs right Women love being coy, acting indifferent when they are actually interested.
Playing hard to get is a part of the game that they play.
On your part, you need to ensure that you persist without looking desperate or needy.
If she is meeting you then she is interested.
Keep the interest alive by doing different things with her.
Make her feel that you are worth her time.
Romance Romance plays a big role in a woman's life.
Romance can be taking a walk in the park, sharing a sunset, going hiking or even bungee jumping.
You need to identify what your woman finds romantic.
Stay away from the conventional methods of candle lit dinners, expensive gifts etc.
Instead be innovative and create romance around you.
Show your woman the softer and more thoughtful side of you.
By showing her this side you make your woman see that you are thinking of her and are making an effort to make her happy.