How to Prune a Kieffer Pear Tree
- 1). Use pruning shears to trim your tree after you have planted it. Trim it to a height of 4 or 5 feet.
- 2). Decide on three branches to serve as leaders. These are shoots that have wide branching angles. They should be on opposite sides and are spaced around 16, 20 and 24 inches above the ground.
- 3). Use pruning shears to cut off the other branches, but leave three to five limbs on your Kieffer tree that grow below your leader branches. On the first winter, cut the leader branches to a length of 18 to 24 inches. When you prune, cut just above the bud that is growing toward the outside of the tree. This is where another branch will form. Leave your three to four branches below the leaders alone.
- 4). Pound some stakes in the ground on the second year. Tie a length of twine from the lower scaffolds to the stakes. Pull the branches down to a 45-degree angle. This opens the tree so it receives more light.
- 5). Prune out any limbs that are diseased or broken. If the limb is diseased, cut at least 6 inches below the area the infections appear. When you cut a diseased limb off, disinfect your pruning shears in rubbing alcohol.
- 6). Remove any suckers. These grow from the base of the trunk or down by the root section and sap the tree of the extra energy it needs to produce fruit.
- 7). Prune out any branches that cross over the top of each other. On the second winter, prune the leaders leaving 20 to 30 inches of last year's growth.
- 8). Prune the leader branches on the third winter leaving 20 to 30 inches of new growth. Look at the branches. If the leader branches are spreading too wide, encircle them with twine. This will help keep them continue upright.
- 9). Cut off shoots that have narrow branching angles. Also, remove any shoots that are competing for space or crowding others out.