How to Stop Smoking Without a Struggle
Well take heart, think again, thousands of people quit everyday and they probably tried several methods before they found one that worked.
One day they found a way that succeeded for them and they soon felt happier, healthier and had masses more money in their pockets.
Suddenly smoking becomes something they used to do, just a habit they once had and they never look back.
There is no reason why you can't join them, all you have to do is decide on your personal stop smoking day and that NOW is the time, follow a few simple steps and of course get a little expert help.
How Effective are Patches and Gums? There are no shortages of methods on offer, Patches, Gums, Tablets, Pills and Potions and you may have tried some of them already - clearly those didn't work for you or you wouldn't be reading this.
No need to beat yourself up over that.
The manufacturers proudly boast that patches are the most popular choice and that you are 3 times more likely to give up with patches than with cold turkey.
Big Deal! Only 3% can quit by themselves which means that only 12% actually succeed to quit with patches.
It is even worse than that less than 4% of people who give up using patches stay stopped after one year.
Which is the most reliable Method? Compare Nicotine replacement with the method which is scientifically proven to be the most reliable, hypnosis.
Studies show that hypnosis alone enjoys success rates of up to 55% after one year but when combined with behavioral techniques such as NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) or CBT (Cognitive Brief Therapy), and an educational element success rates soar.
What do scientists say? They say that hypnosis included in a treatment plan which also has behavioral techniques and onformation about how and why you smoke are the only reliable programs.
Schwartz noted in his review of 1992 that "a smoker who wants to quit but has had difficulty doing so by using other methods many times finds success in hypnosis.
" Spiegel, Frischholz, Fleiss, and Spiegel (1993) found that "when using hypnotherapy, those who were previously able to quit smoking for at least one month but relapsed were much more likely to quit with the aid of hypnosis than those who had not previously been able to quit.
" So What Are Your Chances? If you have really decided to quit because YOU want to your chances of success may be as high as 90% when you choose a therapist who uses selection of behavioural techniques together with at least one hypnosis session.
Therapists who are qualified in SFBH (Solution Focused Brief Hypnotherapy) have qualifications in these techniques and may offer personal sessions at the therapists consulting rooms or made available by CD or by download from the internet.