Mainline Cell Carp Bait Recipe Secrets And How To Make Your Homemade Boilies Irresistibly Different!
How to make a base mix similar to Mainline Cell boilies and details of homemade Cell boilie recipes and ingredients are issues many anglers want to know. Therefore here are some details that will enlighten and inspire regarding how to improve your catches using baits relating to Cell and how to improve your own success!
5 years ago I was experimenting with samples of an extraordinary potent form of active yeast. (Various yeasts have been used within carp aquaculture in order to balance beneficial yeast within the gut, promote improved feed conversion especially of costly protein and improve immunity and many other factors within carp, not merely feed triggering potential of feed!)
The product I was testing had an incredibly strong distinctive pungent smell and aroma which permeated my kitchen, which was where I was making my homemade baits. The product I was experimenting with was a very fine grey powder. It was a very potent pure live strain of yeast. It was something I had purposely sourced which when combined with the correct combination of materials would break down all the groups of foods within my bait extremely beneficially for results.
Quite by chance I had been using coconut oil as an alternative oil personally in helping me to keep on muscle, and as an additional source of essential substances to speed up fat burning, and raise metabolism, as well as improve protein conversion within the body. Thus I began experimenting using this oil plus additional forms of coconut milk powders and indeed fresh coconut milk taken from green coconuts, all towards the aim for producing as pure most active potent bait as possible along this particular line of experimentation.
There were so many substances, grades, sources and originations of substance that I was using and I had loads of test fishing sessions often of less than an hour to test new versions of baits to get instant feed back on rates and intensities of responses.
At that time I kept variables reduced in terms of protein stimulation by using mainly maize flour, maize meal, and other carbohydrates as bulk ingredients, in order to more instantly spot winners from among the products I was sourcing. The most powerful would obviously produce results when using very small levels, and this really is the meaning of internal potency which I have constantly been researching since going full time into bait research and testing full time for 7 years now.
Among the number of winners I discovered was a very fine yeast which had instant response in carbohydrate based baits which contained a minimum of yeast additives and bioactive factors and natural cellular energy boosting factors. It was obvious that this strain was very easily detectable by carp, and also the impacts of the live enzyme activity of this yeast within the baits was also very definitely a powerful component in the action of the bait in inducing fish feeding, as it broke down the various food groups within the bait thus making them highly detectable being far more soluble and digestible.
My results on this format of bait proved that low protein baits could have instant results even without additional flavours being added to the bait, and the bait was very economical. I aimed to optimise this bait far more and so I took this type of bait much further than one merely primarily based upon low protein value additives and ingredients, and also ensured that my oils were hydrolysed and emulsified and that may baits were prebiotic and probiotic and maximised in very many different and various ways.
I took this paradigm of bait massively further over the past 4 years, incorporating further winning additives and active components etc so that basically the entire bait paradigm is feed stimulatory and instantly digestible even with an exceptional protein content far higher than any commercial readymade bait can contain in terms of making any profitable returns.
Then recently upon reading the explanation of Mainline Cell readymade base mix the description really seemed familiar in some ways to me. The description read like this:
It is designed to provide a protein source that is easier for carp to convert than fish meals and bird foods, provoking a sustained feeding response in all water temperatures. As the name suggests, the Cell Activator is the triggering agent for the Cell base mix. A dedicated liquid food source additive, containing a complex reactionary triggering agent encapsulated in a liquid form. The secondary additive and attractors in dry form are contained within the Cell base mix itself. Once combined, the Cell becomes active giving off highly attractive and powerful feeding signals to the carp. We do not recommend the inclusion of any other flavour or attractors to be added at the mixing stage, as these will detract from the effectiveness of the bait itself.
I must admit that there are old similarities in this description to many things I have been using over many years. I know that it is totally possible to improve Cell bait with additions and alterations because I have used readymade baits and adapted versions of Cell over and over again to beat Cell by multiple factors of fish in a session.
I have friends who are chemists and biochemists who work with things like the details of lactic acid, double fermentation, commercial multipurpose enzymes, very powerful yeast strains etc and other factors, that have used my input in creating their own products for use in carp bait. I have produced my own versions but actually within my live homemade baits. The mysteries of using various strains of yeasts and partially fermented brewing products and bye products including familiar substances such as malt extract powder, corn steep liquor and others I find very powerful in practice experimentation and in countless fishing tests.
Some forms of pure live yeasts increase the numbers and activity of specific lactate utilising rumen bacteria within sheep, horses, goats, and beef and dairy cattle breeds. Lactate is converted to propionate to improve fibre digestion and increase feed intake. High starch diets often lead to a build up of damaging lactic acid in the rumen, leading to acidosis. Certain yeast strains help to remove the lactic acid more rapidly, creating a stable rumen pH and enabling the essential rumen micro flora to complete the effective breakdown of fibre and increasing the supply of energy and protein. Production of rumen volatile fatty acids is increased, improving energy supply for extra yield and milk quality.
If you combine this with coconut oil for instance and boost various aspects factors and ingredients and additives within a mainly carbohydrate bait based upon perhaps maize and soya for instance, then you have a winning bait. Of course any bait can be much further truly optimised and maximised for success and in fact personally I avoid using liquid eggs at all costs for multiple practical and profound functional reasons.
Other long chain forms of naturally coagulating proteins are very much more successful, yet within the commercial world of readymade boilie making it appears that very many bait makers are just not into doing new things and moving forward instead of doing things just because they always have!
In a conversation I had with one of the founding members of Mainline, who invented the original Grange bait (upon the company was founded,) John Holt told me when asked why he still uses eggs and he simply said, because he always had. I think it was a complete shock to his system to question that issue and present the evidence that there are massively more effective ways to create baits now in 2013!
Part of the issue of eggs in baits is to do with commercial bait makers' mindsets and awareness, and part is in the practical issue of using bait rollers and in merely making a bait texture and consistency able to be speeded through rollers without too many stoppages and time delays. Plus eggs are still a relatively cost efficient liquid pa
5 years ago I was experimenting with samples of an extraordinary potent form of active yeast. (Various yeasts have been used within carp aquaculture in order to balance beneficial yeast within the gut, promote improved feed conversion especially of costly protein and improve immunity and many other factors within carp, not merely feed triggering potential of feed!)
The product I was testing had an incredibly strong distinctive pungent smell and aroma which permeated my kitchen, which was where I was making my homemade baits. The product I was experimenting with was a very fine grey powder. It was a very potent pure live strain of yeast. It was something I had purposely sourced which when combined with the correct combination of materials would break down all the groups of foods within my bait extremely beneficially for results.
Quite by chance I had been using coconut oil as an alternative oil personally in helping me to keep on muscle, and as an additional source of essential substances to speed up fat burning, and raise metabolism, as well as improve protein conversion within the body. Thus I began experimenting using this oil plus additional forms of coconut milk powders and indeed fresh coconut milk taken from green coconuts, all towards the aim for producing as pure most active potent bait as possible along this particular line of experimentation.
There were so many substances, grades, sources and originations of substance that I was using and I had loads of test fishing sessions often of less than an hour to test new versions of baits to get instant feed back on rates and intensities of responses.
At that time I kept variables reduced in terms of protein stimulation by using mainly maize flour, maize meal, and other carbohydrates as bulk ingredients, in order to more instantly spot winners from among the products I was sourcing. The most powerful would obviously produce results when using very small levels, and this really is the meaning of internal potency which I have constantly been researching since going full time into bait research and testing full time for 7 years now.
Among the number of winners I discovered was a very fine yeast which had instant response in carbohydrate based baits which contained a minimum of yeast additives and bioactive factors and natural cellular energy boosting factors. It was obvious that this strain was very easily detectable by carp, and also the impacts of the live enzyme activity of this yeast within the baits was also very definitely a powerful component in the action of the bait in inducing fish feeding, as it broke down the various food groups within the bait thus making them highly detectable being far more soluble and digestible.
My results on this format of bait proved that low protein baits could have instant results even without additional flavours being added to the bait, and the bait was very economical. I aimed to optimise this bait far more and so I took this type of bait much further than one merely primarily based upon low protein value additives and ingredients, and also ensured that my oils were hydrolysed and emulsified and that may baits were prebiotic and probiotic and maximised in very many different and various ways.
I took this paradigm of bait massively further over the past 4 years, incorporating further winning additives and active components etc so that basically the entire bait paradigm is feed stimulatory and instantly digestible even with an exceptional protein content far higher than any commercial readymade bait can contain in terms of making any profitable returns.
Then recently upon reading the explanation of Mainline Cell readymade base mix the description really seemed familiar in some ways to me. The description read like this:
It is designed to provide a protein source that is easier for carp to convert than fish meals and bird foods, provoking a sustained feeding response in all water temperatures. As the name suggests, the Cell Activator is the triggering agent for the Cell base mix. A dedicated liquid food source additive, containing a complex reactionary triggering agent encapsulated in a liquid form. The secondary additive and attractors in dry form are contained within the Cell base mix itself. Once combined, the Cell becomes active giving off highly attractive and powerful feeding signals to the carp. We do not recommend the inclusion of any other flavour or attractors to be added at the mixing stage, as these will detract from the effectiveness of the bait itself.
I must admit that there are old similarities in this description to many things I have been using over many years. I know that it is totally possible to improve Cell bait with additions and alterations because I have used readymade baits and adapted versions of Cell over and over again to beat Cell by multiple factors of fish in a session.
I have friends who are chemists and biochemists who work with things like the details of lactic acid, double fermentation, commercial multipurpose enzymes, very powerful yeast strains etc and other factors, that have used my input in creating their own products for use in carp bait. I have produced my own versions but actually within my live homemade baits. The mysteries of using various strains of yeasts and partially fermented brewing products and bye products including familiar substances such as malt extract powder, corn steep liquor and others I find very powerful in practice experimentation and in countless fishing tests.
Some forms of pure live yeasts increase the numbers and activity of specific lactate utilising rumen bacteria within sheep, horses, goats, and beef and dairy cattle breeds. Lactate is converted to propionate to improve fibre digestion and increase feed intake. High starch diets often lead to a build up of damaging lactic acid in the rumen, leading to acidosis. Certain yeast strains help to remove the lactic acid more rapidly, creating a stable rumen pH and enabling the essential rumen micro flora to complete the effective breakdown of fibre and increasing the supply of energy and protein. Production of rumen volatile fatty acids is increased, improving energy supply for extra yield and milk quality.
If you combine this with coconut oil for instance and boost various aspects factors and ingredients and additives within a mainly carbohydrate bait based upon perhaps maize and soya for instance, then you have a winning bait. Of course any bait can be much further truly optimised and maximised for success and in fact personally I avoid using liquid eggs at all costs for multiple practical and profound functional reasons.
Other long chain forms of naturally coagulating proteins are very much more successful, yet within the commercial world of readymade boilie making it appears that very many bait makers are just not into doing new things and moving forward instead of doing things just because they always have!
In a conversation I had with one of the founding members of Mainline, who invented the original Grange bait (upon the company was founded,) John Holt told me when asked why he still uses eggs and he simply said, because he always had. I think it was a complete shock to his system to question that issue and present the evidence that there are massively more effective ways to create baits now in 2013!
Part of the issue of eggs in baits is to do with commercial bait makers' mindsets and awareness, and part is in the practical issue of using bait rollers and in merely making a bait texture and consistency able to be speeded through rollers without too many stoppages and time delays. Plus eggs are still a relatively cost efficient liquid pa