How To Pick Up Girls On The Internet
If you are reading this then you obviously have some sort of skill with the internet otherwise I doubt whether you will have found the article. As such I am not going to give you any advice on using the internet but I will give you some ideas on how to make the internet work for you. There are lots of places where you can spend hundreds and hundreds of dollars but I prefer cheaper methods so will only touch on those ideas.
Firstly I suggest you set up a chat account somewhere with someone like Yahoo or MSN chat. In fact why not do both. If there is a more popular messenger service where you are than either of those two then set one up there as well. You will need this to keep in contact with the girls once you have located them. Chat rooms are totally free as is your messenger account. Once you have obtained the girls messenger address you can chat with her for free for as long as you like. So do that straight away.
The next thing I would do is find a dating site that has a chat facility built in. Just do a search in Google, Yahoo or MSN Live for dating sites. Have a look at a few of them and choose a few that have girls you like the look of. There are sites for Asian Women or Russian women etc etc etc. If you are into those sorts of girls then pick one of them. You can also find different types of girls in the other dating sites as well. Whatever takes your fancy will be catered for.
I am not a big fan of the dating sites that charge you for each message you send so I prefer to find one that has a monthly membership or allows you a set time for a set amount of money. This way you can send lots of messages to as many girls as you want and get their messenger contact details. Another thing I like to do is to write my message, or several messages into a word document. I then cut and paste that into the chat area of the site, or in the instant message section. This allows me to send a lot of messages all at once and costs me nothing extra.
Get yourself organised and set up a system and follow it. Write a fantastic bio about yourself and be as honest as possible. If you are really overweight, telling the girls you are slim or 20 years younger than you really are will only result in them running away as soon as they see you.
So there are a few tips on how to pick up girls on the internet. Put them into action or develop your own techniques.