How to Remove Window Tint in Vehicles
- 1). Choose a warm, sunny day to remove window tint. Park the vehicle in a location where the sunlight will directly hit the window.
- 2). Cut a large black garbage bag with a pair of scissors to fit the shape of the window from which you will be removing the tint. The garbage bag does not have to be cut neatly or to the exact size of the window, just as long as it completely covers the window.
- 3). Fill a spray bottle with warm water. Add a few drops of dish soap and shake the bottle to combine the ingredients.
- 4). Spray the soapy water on the outside of the window. Lay the garbage bag over the window. Use your hand to smooth out the garbage bag. Window tint is generally constructed of several layers of film. The garbage bag will absorb heat, forcing the film to expand and helping all of the layers to peel off in one piece.
- 5). Lay down plastic sheeting on the inside of the vehicle to protect the surfaces. Cover the seats, speakers and any other areas that may become damaged by the cleaning solution.
- 6). Fill a separate spray bottle with undiluted household ammonia. Spray down the entire tinted window with the ammonia. Spray on a generous coating and be sure to saturate the edges as well.
- 7). Spread plastic wrap over the entire window. This will trap the ammonia, helping it to absorb into the film.
- 8). Allow the vehicle to sit in the sun for about one hour. This will help to soften the film adhesive.
- 9). Remove the plastic wrap from the window after an hour has elapsed. Take a razor blade or putty knife and begin prying up the film. Start in the top corner of the window and work your way across the top.
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Moisten the window with ammonia as you are working. The goal is to keep the window film damp with ammonia. - 11
Pull off the film with your hands when possible. Peel it slowly to ensure that you pull off large sections at a time. - 12
Continue this process until all of the film has been removed. Go over the window with a razor blade or putty knife to scrape off any smaller pieces of film that may still be left on the window. - 13
Spray the window with ammonia again once all of the tint film has been removed. Wipe down the window with a superfine steel wool pad to remove any adhesive residue. Wipe the window with dry paper towels and glass cleaner. - 14
Remove the garbage bag from the exterior of the window. Clean the window thoroughly with glass cleaner and paper towels.