Your Free Time Should Be the Busiest Time
How do you spend your free time? I know most of us have our eight-hours of work during the day, or to others, their jobs just start after the sixth or seventh hour in the office so they spend more than eight hours a day at work.
Two more hours are spent on the road.
Three hours, we spend on meals including breaks in between.
If you have to get fit, you should sleep at least eight hours every night.
You prepare for work each day, at least for one hour in the morning.
Combining all these activities, you are left with just two hours "free" for yourself.
If you are a working mother, that means you have to spend all those free hours attending to the needs of your husband and kids, preparing food for them and attending to all the household chores.
How about you, what do you do with those two "free" hours? The number of hours in a day never changed since the concept of time has been invented.
Twenty-four hours then, is the same as the 24 hours today.
Nothing more, nothing less.
Whatever free hours we have depend on how we spend our time on other activities.
You could prolong your free hours by cutting short on some activities like sleeping for just five or six hours instead of eight, eating for just 30 minutes and the likes.
But no matter what you do, you will always end up with 24 hours each day.
Going back to our earlier question, how do you spend your free time,or as we have pointed out, your excess two hours? Well, for some, it is the time they have to spend to socialize and get in touch with the outside world.
Meet new friends and reconnect with the old ones we have.
To others, it is the time they spend with their parents, children, husband or wife, or simply their loved ones.
To some, it is the time they use to reconnect with the Almighty, a time for prayer and meditation.
Others, use these free hours to relax and recreate during the day - go to the gym, exercise, read books, surf the internet, do some sports and learn new skills.
Set your priorities first and "create" some free time.
How you spend your free time depends on your preferences and priorities.
So to answer the question how would you spend your free hours,let's we go back to the question of preferences and priorities.
Life is about making choices.
All of us knew that.
But, it is not enough that we knew it.
We must act upon that knowledge.
Setting goals and setting priorities.
Our activities should be aligned with our long-term goals, hence, we would know where to prioritize.
If we would not align our goals with our priorities, we would be just be like someone who is swinging his bat with his eyes closed, missing the ball every time.
And here is the thing, not aligning our goals and priorities may someday lead us saying, "Gee, what have I done to make my dreams come true? For the so and so number of years, I have been desperate of doing this and that, but I never made it because I never had the time.
" My question for you now is this: "Really, you never had the time? Or you just didn't know how to make us of your time?" You cannot create additional time.
I am sorry to say that.
It's a given fact.
Time is one of the things beyond our control.
But what we can do is to manage it.
But let us not call it time management because that is too ambitious to say.
Let us call it, "priority management.
" With that way of thinking, we can feel a sense of control over it.
I know it's superficial but it makes sense.
Time - beyond your control.
Priorities - within your control.
You don't manage nor control time, you take charge on the things that you can control and those are your priorities.
How many times did you feel that you have been working 12 or 13 hours a day, seven days a week and yet it seems you haven't accomplished much? You would go to bed and tried to get a nap just for a few hours but you can't even sleep because you are thinking that there is something you have to do or wanted to do but you can't do because you have no free time? I know how it feels.
I've been in that situation before.
Even now, sometimes.
I felt empty.
I felt I haven't accomplished anything despite all the number of hours I've poured in.
Later on, I realized that I am trying to work against the law of nature.
It is not how nature works.
If nature sets specific time or period for each season, we, too, must set specific time for every activity.
And when we do that allocation of time and aligning of our priorities with our long-term goals, we have to be committed to act on it.
Do it and you will realize that you have more "free" time than you ever thought.
After "creating" your free time, what's next? Now that you have align your priorities with your goals and committed yourself to stick into it, you realized that you now have more free time.
What would you do with it? Having a free time is not an excuse to be idle.
Remember that an idle mind is a devil's workshop.
Keep busy, keep moving, or at least keep thinking.
I don't know how you would spend your free time.
There are thousand ways, find the one that suits you.
Find the one that will make you more productive and more fulfilled.
Your free time should not be an idle time.
It should be your busiest time.
Take that opportunity to grow on your self - spiritually, mentally, psychologically, emotionally, socially, financially.
There's a lot to do and a lot to learn.
Find your purpose.
Know your goals.
Align your priorities and utilize your free time.
Two more hours are spent on the road.
Three hours, we spend on meals including breaks in between.
If you have to get fit, you should sleep at least eight hours every night.
You prepare for work each day, at least for one hour in the morning.
Combining all these activities, you are left with just two hours "free" for yourself.
If you are a working mother, that means you have to spend all those free hours attending to the needs of your husband and kids, preparing food for them and attending to all the household chores.
How about you, what do you do with those two "free" hours? The number of hours in a day never changed since the concept of time has been invented.
Twenty-four hours then, is the same as the 24 hours today.
Nothing more, nothing less.
Whatever free hours we have depend on how we spend our time on other activities.
You could prolong your free hours by cutting short on some activities like sleeping for just five or six hours instead of eight, eating for just 30 minutes and the likes.
But no matter what you do, you will always end up with 24 hours each day.
Going back to our earlier question, how do you spend your free time,or as we have pointed out, your excess two hours? Well, for some, it is the time they have to spend to socialize and get in touch with the outside world.
Meet new friends and reconnect with the old ones we have.
To others, it is the time they spend with their parents, children, husband or wife, or simply their loved ones.
To some, it is the time they use to reconnect with the Almighty, a time for prayer and meditation.
Others, use these free hours to relax and recreate during the day - go to the gym, exercise, read books, surf the internet, do some sports and learn new skills.
Set your priorities first and "create" some free time.
How you spend your free time depends on your preferences and priorities.
So to answer the question how would you spend your free hours,let's we go back to the question of preferences and priorities.
Life is about making choices.
All of us knew that.
But, it is not enough that we knew it.
We must act upon that knowledge.
Setting goals and setting priorities.
Our activities should be aligned with our long-term goals, hence, we would know where to prioritize.
If we would not align our goals with our priorities, we would be just be like someone who is swinging his bat with his eyes closed, missing the ball every time.
And here is the thing, not aligning our goals and priorities may someday lead us saying, "Gee, what have I done to make my dreams come true? For the so and so number of years, I have been desperate of doing this and that, but I never made it because I never had the time.
" My question for you now is this: "Really, you never had the time? Or you just didn't know how to make us of your time?" You cannot create additional time.
I am sorry to say that.
It's a given fact.
Time is one of the things beyond our control.
But what we can do is to manage it.
But let us not call it time management because that is too ambitious to say.
Let us call it, "priority management.
" With that way of thinking, we can feel a sense of control over it.
I know it's superficial but it makes sense.
Time - beyond your control.
Priorities - within your control.
You don't manage nor control time, you take charge on the things that you can control and those are your priorities.
How many times did you feel that you have been working 12 or 13 hours a day, seven days a week and yet it seems you haven't accomplished much? You would go to bed and tried to get a nap just for a few hours but you can't even sleep because you are thinking that there is something you have to do or wanted to do but you can't do because you have no free time? I know how it feels.
I've been in that situation before.
Even now, sometimes.
I felt empty.
I felt I haven't accomplished anything despite all the number of hours I've poured in.
Later on, I realized that I am trying to work against the law of nature.
It is not how nature works.
If nature sets specific time or period for each season, we, too, must set specific time for every activity.
And when we do that allocation of time and aligning of our priorities with our long-term goals, we have to be committed to act on it.
Do it and you will realize that you have more "free" time than you ever thought.
After "creating" your free time, what's next? Now that you have align your priorities with your goals and committed yourself to stick into it, you realized that you now have more free time.
What would you do with it? Having a free time is not an excuse to be idle.
Remember that an idle mind is a devil's workshop.
Keep busy, keep moving, or at least keep thinking.
I don't know how you would spend your free time.
There are thousand ways, find the one that suits you.
Find the one that will make you more productive and more fulfilled.
Your free time should not be an idle time.
It should be your busiest time.
Take that opportunity to grow on your self - spiritually, mentally, psychologically, emotionally, socially, financially.
There's a lot to do and a lot to learn.
Find your purpose.
Know your goals.
Align your priorities and utilize your free time.