How to Remove an Automatic Transmission
- 1). Park your car in a safe place with a level surface; raise the front of your vehicle and safely support it on two jack stands.
- 2). Make an alignment mark on the end of the drive shaft at the rear-the shaft between the transmission and differential; make a similar mark on the rear yoke that attaches to the end of the drive shaft and the differential; and another mark on the differential flange attaching to the rear yoke. Use a scratch awl or a similar tool to mark the components. These marks will help you assemble and keep the drive shaft balanced after the re-installation process. If you need more elbow room, raise the rear of the vehicle as well, and support it on two jack stands.
- 3). Remove the rear yoke to the differential bolts and pry the drive shaft forward using a pry bar. Support the rear of the drive shaft on a block to keep it in as horizontal a position as possible and prevent damage to the front universal joint; if necessary, wrap masking tape around the two caps on the rear yoke to keep them from falling off. If the drive shaft has a middle support bracket, remove it now.
- 4). Place a drain pan under the rear of the transmission; then slide the drive shaft off the transmission and set it aside. Plug the rear of the transmission with plastic bags or shop rags to keep transmission oil from leaking.
- 5). Unplug the automatic transmission modulator vacuum line; remove the transmission oil filler tube, speedometer cable, and wires connected between the transmission and the vehicle. Use a tube wrench to disconnect the cooler line from the transmission to avoid damage to the line.
- 6). Remove the rear transmission mount, exhaust tube and any other components that may interfere with transmission removal. Make a note of components location as necessary, and keep bolts and screws with their original components.
- 7). Remove the bell housing to engine block bolts using a wrench and ratchet and socket; keep note of each bolt location since these bolts differ in size. Then, remove the cover between the transmission and engine to gain access to the torque converter.
- 8). Remove the mounting torque converter bolts using a ratchet, extension and socket. You will have to turn the converter using a pry bar to access all the bolts around the converter.
- 9). Position a transmission jack under the transmission oil pan; raise the jack enough to take the weight off the cross member supporting and holding the transmission onto the vehicle frame; tie the transmission to the jack with the jack clamps and remove the cross member using a ratchet and socket.
- 10
Pull the transmission off the engine, lower the jack and remove the transmission away from the vehicle.