Astral Project and Grow Younger - Could Astral Projecting Lead to Reverse Aging
Honestly, I haven't any proofs of my growing younger to offer yet: this article is just my thinking aloud, theorizing and speculating on a reverse aging technique might be possible though astral travel.
However, I have certainly felt some reverse aging inside since I began my experiment.
You and your body exist here in the physical universe but if you follow quantum mechanics, you might also know that the atoms that make up your body phase into and out of the physical plane all the time.
In fact those quantum size particles are continually phasing into astral space and back into the physical universe.
Astral space exists all around us and in us as well and we are all basically traveling into and out of the astral plane.
This is just normal life.
Now I'll add the Akashic Records into the equation.
These records are astral files that contain all the knowledge and events for each person who has ever lived and who will ever live.
The Akashic Records reside in astral space but they surround each person.
The Akashic Records pertaining to you extend outwards from you in all directions into the astral plane like a shadow cast out from the light within you.
Since time does not exist in the astral plane, the previous and future portions of your existence are in a mixed Akashic soup all around you - and you can astral travel to any portion of your life to visit or revisit.
You can also enter your previous or future body and absorb the thoughts and memories that your past or future self is experiencing.
That ability alone is an interesting astral adventure but it brought me to an epiphany.
'Co-existing for longer periods in a former incarnation of myself might find me actually growing younger!' The cells of your body are constantly in flux.
They are continuously being replaced AND they are blinking back and forth into the astral plane.
In pure theory, a body should never age at all because the cells are constantly being replaced - so why do we age? Medical science doesn't know how to answer that question yet.
So might I suggest that we grow old because when our DNA phases into astral space, it does not come back exactly as it was before it left? If aging is the result of DNA randomly phasing back into the physical universe fro astral space, then could reverse aging occur if the DNA from a previous time were focused back instead? I thought it was worth a try so recently I've been trying out a new astral travel regimen.
I still go exploring in astral space as I enjoy but when I'm ready for sleep I don't just go back to my normal physical form.
Instead, I've chosen a period in my life when I feel that my age was ideal.
I astral project into my own body - in that time period - and I sleep there.
I'm supposing what with my astral projected self in that time that the DNA from that time may tend to go and infuse my physical body with renewed youthfulness and make me grow younger.
At least it doesn't hurt to make an attempt and I do find that sleeping in my younger self is pleasurable too.
But like I said, I don't have any proof that it will work yet.
This article is just to discuss my newest theory.
I will say this for absolutely certain though, astral projection is fun and mind expanding all on its own.
And if astral travel comes with the side benefit of reverse aging then it's even better.