5 Tips on Getting Over Your First Breakup
As far as you are concerned it might as well.
You have lost the only person in the whole world that 'gets' you and you will never find anyone else that will.
That's what's going through your mind, right? I know it's hard to believe, but you can and you will get over this and find someone else.
What you really need to do right now is make sure you will be ready for it when the time comes.
Below are a few steps to take so you can have closer on your old relationship and be ready for a new one.
Step one, you need to come to grips with the fact that your relationship is over.
I know you thought it would last forever, like all the songs on the radio say, but it is.
The sooner you come to terms with that and cut off communication with your ex the better.
Step two, do NOT become a hermit.
Of course there is going to be some time at the beginning when you don't want to talk to anyone or go out, that's perfectly normal.
But if you allow that to stretch into months, it will be that much harder to move on.
Start spending time with family and friends.
You don't need to date right away, but just get out of the house.
Three, this goes along with step two, remember all those things you wish you could do but didn't because you were in a relationship? Well no time like the present! You don't have anyone stopping you now, so get out there and have some fun.
Still with me? Step four is when you need to take some time and figure out who you are and where you want to go.
Is there something you wish you could change about yourself? Still have that 10lbs you keep saying you need to lose? Is there a class you wish you had taken in school? Wish you had a new job? Do whatever you can that will affect your life positively.
Everything you do will help you feel a little more in control.
It will also help you temporarily forget about your ex.
Now it's time for the hardest one.
Step five is to give yourself time.
As they say, time heals all wounds.
Each day, the pain will ease a little more until you wake up one day and are ready to love again.
This step is the hardest because no one can help you with this.
You need to evaluate your own feelings to know when you are 'over it', no one else can tell you.
However, if it drags on for months and you are stuck in the same place, you might think about talking with a counselor to help you through the grieving process.
I know the above steps seem impossible right now, but trust me, if you take it slow and take your time, you can get over your first breakup.
The important thing to remember is that you are not alone and you will get over it.