How to Make a Biodegradable Bean Trellis
- 1). Cut a notch about an inch deep across the top of two 8-foot-long, sturdy wooden poles. A hacksaw works well for this. Lumber is often treated with chemicals to resist termites or to add a degree of water resistance, so ensure that you use only untreated lumber.
- 2). Sink the unnotched end of a pole 2 feet into the ground at each end of your planting bed. Concrete is not necessary; just tamp the soil around the poles to secure them.
- 3). Cut a length of twine long enough to reach from the outside edge of one pole to the outside edge of the other. Tie a knot in one end of the twine and slide it into the notch you made in one of the poles. Stretch it tightly across to the other pole, tie a knot and slide it into the notch. Notches allow you to secure your twine without the use of metal fasteners like nails or staples.
- 4). Cut lengths of twine long enough to reach from the twine across the top of your trellis to the ground. You'll need one piece of twine for each bean plant.
- 5). Tie each length of twine to a small wooden stake and place them in the ground next to each bean plant.
- 6). Stretch the twine taut and tie it to the twine strung across the top of the trellis.