Deliberate Creation Versus Chance

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The deliberate creation of the world is manifested all around us constantly.
Recognizing this power for what it is seems to be a lost art these days, but nevertheless, it still works.
One of the many benefits of studying the law of attraction is seeing it in action, both in other peoples lives, as well as personal experiences, and even in past events! Study even further and you will begin to gain an awareness for how the world works and witness far too many "coincidences" to shrug off as mere chance.
The more your understanding grows the more you will come to view these accounts by their old name, "blessings", and learn to feel thankful for them! Whether a blessing or a curse, the truth is that all things are given as a response to a request.
Intentions aside, the thoughts and feelings of all involved within an event determines the outcome, and in many cases, determines the event in the first place! There are some people who simply cannot fail and others who cannot win.
They may be identical in skill set and resources but "luck" always prevents the loser from feeling success.
This interpretation is wrong because luck is a manifestation of your mental attitude.
I guarantee you that the winner in this case is using positive thoughts and feelings to focus on what he wants to happen.
While the loser is using the same power of his mind to worry, doubt, and focus on the fear of not getting what he wants.
For both individuals their luck is a deliberate creation! You can change the way you use your mind, and simultaneously, what you attract into your life.
Many people struggle with old negative feelings and beliefs about themselves and the world.
It is critical to recognize where these "bad" feelings come from within you! Trace them back to their origins.
If you feel jealous, angry, bitter, or depressed recognize that these are limiting emotions.
They will stall and sabotage your progress at every turn.
If someone has hurt you, it is imperative that you find a way to forgive them, and let it go.
The more you harbor negative emotions the more they fester and spread like a cancer inside your sub-conscious belief system.
And for every second you spend feeling those old familiar negative emotions you attract the events and circumstances into your life that will make you feel exactly the same way! Your bad feelings towards someone else only serve to hurt you twice as much! The best thing you can EVER do for yourself is find a way to feel good and grateful for what you have, and focus on what you want, in that mindset.
Let go of your past no matter how bad it may have been.
Forgive yourself and all who may have hurt you or try to hurt you now.
They are merely attempting to make you believe something which is false.
Believe in yourself, the power of the law of attraction, and choose the deliberate creation of your desires through focused positive thoughts and feelings! All around you, each and every day, people are unknowingly using their minds to attract the very things they complain about the most.
Whatever you decide to focus your mind on and "feel" is your deliberate creation for the future.
Choose now to forever use this power for your positive benefit! Stop yourself from complaining or joining a negative conversation.
Do they ever make you feel any better anyway? Focus on the best parts of people rather than all the things you can't stand about them.
Think about all of the reasons you have to feel grateful right now and cherish them.
You have to start feeling good now if you ever expect to feel good later! You cannot possibly hope to gain everything you want so that you CAN feel good if you CAN'T feel good about it now! You get what you give and you have to "give" first the feelings you desire.
Learn to project the feelings of joy and gratitude for what you want BEFORE you have it! Just as you may currently project negative feelings before bad things happen because you just "knew" how it was going to turn out.
Does this sound like coincidence to you? Take a long look at your current and past thinking habits during the good times, as well as the bad, and you be the judge.
What you feel now you attract more of into your life, the sooner you realize this truth the better! Your choice is to apply the deliberate creation of your life through consciously acknowledging the facts of the law of attraction, or habitually follow a reactionary mental protocol based on past inherited beliefs.
If you are unhappy with your life right now, than choosing to continue to use your thoughts and feelings as you do now, dooms you to more of the same or worse! Applying the law of attraction requires taking responsibility for your thoughts and feelings, and consequently, your life.
While this may seem more difficult at first it is the only path to success, happiness, and the realization of your dreams.
The only way to find happiness with a negative belief system and thought process, is to force yourself to believe the lie that your misery makes you happy.
Why not have the real thing? You have nothing to fear.
Because what you focus on is what is coming to you.
Find faith, courage, and strength in this.
Free yourself from the anchors of hatred, jealousy, and sadness through forgiveness.
Fill yourself with love for the things you are grateful for and desire most.
Allow your dreams to come to you and become your true self by removing the barriers of limitation you have been focusing on.
Watch in amazement with a thankful heart as your luck suddenly changes and the deliberate creation of your world becomes the expected result of your directed thoughts!
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