Health Benefits of Bee Pollen: Can They Really Be Proven?
If you do some internet research on the health benefits of bee pollen, you are sure to find many pages that oppose those of us who endorse this amazing super food.
Many writers will tell you that this bee product should never be ingested for the sole reason that it might cause allergies or other reactions because of the presence of pollens and bee toxins in the supplement itself.
While this is true, many times the reactions are very mild and people may choose to endure them for the greater good that the product will provide.
This is something that should be strictly decided by the consumer.
While I support the right of people and companies to relay their own opinions based on accurate information, I believe that each individual should weigh all of his options before deciding.
It seems as if those who are concerned about the percentage of people that may have allergic reactions to this supplement are also trying to steer others away from this amazing product, even though they have no tendency to react to such allergens.
Where is the Proof? You may be wondering how the health benefits of bee pollen can actually be proven.
Those of us who live our lives daily trusting in natural remedies and therapies have come to understand that the federal government, represented by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), has no desire to promote natural remedies to the ailing public.
We could get into pharmaceutical politics concerning the reasons for this, but ultimately it boils down to profit.
Pharmaceutical companies sponsor research and tests in order to prove that their drugs are better than the competition.
This research is then presented to the FDA so that it can put its stamp of approval on the safety and effectiveness of the drug.
The pharmaceutical companies would not be able to profit from something that is as readily available to the public as bee pollen.
Look at it this way.
In order to get pharmaceutical strength pain relief, you have to go to a doctor for a prescription for a narcotic pain killer like morphine.
However, if you could go out in your backyard and "pick" morphine off of a bush, the doctor and the pharmaceutical companies would not benefit financially in any way.
Of course, there are no morphine trees, but you get the picture.
It is the same with natural remedies like garlic, dandelion, and the subject of our discussion.
Planting your own herb garden or raising your own bees that provide you with healing medicine keeps the government from controlling your healthcare decisions.
They certainly don't want to endorse these natural things because more people would start healing themselves.
Doctors in general help fuel this cycle because they get financial kick-backs from drug manufacturers for writing prescriptions and promoting certain drugs.
Modern medicine certainly has its place in our society.
Where would we be without emergency room doctors and nurses when accidents occur? If a bone is broken or a limb is severed, we need the help of trained medical professionals.
But as for proving the health benefits of bee pollen? Just ask the people who have been taking this supplement for months.
Where science fails to recognize the importance of this supplement, individuals have put their trust in the natural things that do not cause the problems that man-made drugs have caused.
People have tested the health benefits of bee pollen for thousands of years.
One personal testimony after another of success stories relating to a particular supplement gets people's attention.
You've seen the commercials promoting the newest prescription that is supposed to relieve menopause symptoms.
"Ask your doctor for a prescription today!" But if you were to ask your doctor to approve of your adding this supplement to your diet, he would most likely refuse.
Why? Because he hasn't done his research and doesn't know the health benefits of bee pollen.
He does know what the pharmaceutical representative has told him about the latest drug.
Plus, he knows how much he will get for sharing it with you.
But for you, avoiding the never-ending list of possible side-effects that is listed in the last 15 seconds of the commercial is reason enough to want to steer clear of that new prescription.
Living Proof The health benefits of bee pollen are proven every day by the people who are taking it.
You know why they're taking it.
It boosts the immune system, balances hormones, reduces blood pressure, assists weight loss, helps with infertility, eases menopause symptoms, and protects the prostate.
Need I go on? This is what this amazing super food does.
Or so the people say.
Would you cast doubt on someone's personal experience just because the "powers that be" can not make a profit on their personal testimony? These are people whose lives have been changed and whose health has been restored and protected.
They know the value of the health benefits of bee pollen because they are living proof.
That holds more weight than any scientific experiment or controlled study ever could.
Bee pollen supplementation may not be right for you.
I am not going to tell you that it will work for everyone.
But if you have done your research and you see that so many people are experiencing the great health benefits of bee pollen for themselves, you've got to ask yourself if you don't deserve the same chance for better health and happiness.
Many writers will tell you that this bee product should never be ingested for the sole reason that it might cause allergies or other reactions because of the presence of pollens and bee toxins in the supplement itself.
While this is true, many times the reactions are very mild and people may choose to endure them for the greater good that the product will provide.
This is something that should be strictly decided by the consumer.
While I support the right of people and companies to relay their own opinions based on accurate information, I believe that each individual should weigh all of his options before deciding.
It seems as if those who are concerned about the percentage of people that may have allergic reactions to this supplement are also trying to steer others away from this amazing product, even though they have no tendency to react to such allergens.
Where is the Proof? You may be wondering how the health benefits of bee pollen can actually be proven.
Those of us who live our lives daily trusting in natural remedies and therapies have come to understand that the federal government, represented by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), has no desire to promote natural remedies to the ailing public.
We could get into pharmaceutical politics concerning the reasons for this, but ultimately it boils down to profit.
Pharmaceutical companies sponsor research and tests in order to prove that their drugs are better than the competition.
This research is then presented to the FDA so that it can put its stamp of approval on the safety and effectiveness of the drug.
The pharmaceutical companies would not be able to profit from something that is as readily available to the public as bee pollen.
Look at it this way.
In order to get pharmaceutical strength pain relief, you have to go to a doctor for a prescription for a narcotic pain killer like morphine.
However, if you could go out in your backyard and "pick" morphine off of a bush, the doctor and the pharmaceutical companies would not benefit financially in any way.
Of course, there are no morphine trees, but you get the picture.
It is the same with natural remedies like garlic, dandelion, and the subject of our discussion.
Planting your own herb garden or raising your own bees that provide you with healing medicine keeps the government from controlling your healthcare decisions.
They certainly don't want to endorse these natural things because more people would start healing themselves.
Doctors in general help fuel this cycle because they get financial kick-backs from drug manufacturers for writing prescriptions and promoting certain drugs.
Modern medicine certainly has its place in our society.
Where would we be without emergency room doctors and nurses when accidents occur? If a bone is broken or a limb is severed, we need the help of trained medical professionals.
But as for proving the health benefits of bee pollen? Just ask the people who have been taking this supplement for months.
Where science fails to recognize the importance of this supplement, individuals have put their trust in the natural things that do not cause the problems that man-made drugs have caused.
People have tested the health benefits of bee pollen for thousands of years.
One personal testimony after another of success stories relating to a particular supplement gets people's attention.
You've seen the commercials promoting the newest prescription that is supposed to relieve menopause symptoms.
"Ask your doctor for a prescription today!" But if you were to ask your doctor to approve of your adding this supplement to your diet, he would most likely refuse.
Why? Because he hasn't done his research and doesn't know the health benefits of bee pollen.
He does know what the pharmaceutical representative has told him about the latest drug.
Plus, he knows how much he will get for sharing it with you.
But for you, avoiding the never-ending list of possible side-effects that is listed in the last 15 seconds of the commercial is reason enough to want to steer clear of that new prescription.
Living Proof The health benefits of bee pollen are proven every day by the people who are taking it.
You know why they're taking it.
It boosts the immune system, balances hormones, reduces blood pressure, assists weight loss, helps with infertility, eases menopause symptoms, and protects the prostate.
Need I go on? This is what this amazing super food does.
Or so the people say.
Would you cast doubt on someone's personal experience just because the "powers that be" can not make a profit on their personal testimony? These are people whose lives have been changed and whose health has been restored and protected.
They know the value of the health benefits of bee pollen because they are living proof.
That holds more weight than any scientific experiment or controlled study ever could.
Bee pollen supplementation may not be right for you.
I am not going to tell you that it will work for everyone.
But if you have done your research and you see that so many people are experiencing the great health benefits of bee pollen for themselves, you've got to ask yourself if you don't deserve the same chance for better health and happiness.