How to Do a Chi-Square Test With a Ti-83
- 1). Turn the TI-83 calculator on.
- 2). Enter your first list or matrix of data values. Press the "2nd" button followed by the "MATRIX" key and then the right arrow button twice. This will bring you to the EDIT menu.
- 3). Highlight "1:[A]" and then enter the number of rows of your Chi-Square data followed by the "ENTER" key. Enter the number of columns of your Chi-Square data followed by the "ENTER" key. For a data set of 2 rows in 3 columns, for example, your screen will look like the following:
MATRIX [A] 2 x 3 - 4). Enter your first piece of data for Matrix [A] and press "ENTER." Continue with your data entry, pressing "ENTER" after every number. When finished, press "2nd" button and then the "MATRIX" button and enter your data for Matrix [B].
- 5). Type in [A] for the Observed data and [B] for the Expected. Click on "Calculate" and "ENTER." The calculator will return a Chi-Square value, x2, and a p-value.