You"ve Got Chat!
While congratulating her, I asked her who the lucky guy was.
She said she met him online.
I was not only surprised but excited about the prospect of meeting somebody I would like online.
For all who were bewitched by the movie You've got Mail, I have got news for you.
Your mail is waiting to be opened.
Just initiate the process and watch the results.
When my parents got married, my dad had to move away from home to make a living.
My mom saw him after two years and the only communication would be the letter sent every two weeks or month.
I wish technology had visited the earth a little earlier.
They would have had little problem in being so far because at the click of the mouse, they would've been able to write to each other, hear or maybe even see each other.
Having a boyfriend across the seven seas is not an unimaginable thing anymore.
Maybe physical presence is important.
But think back to that relationship you called off only because you had little means to talk being in different countries.
Talking is something so essential to human beings.
It's hard to live without it.
And thanks to Alexander Graham Bell and Charles Babbage, two wonderful gadgets were born -- the telephone and the computer.
The cell phone that you carry even if you forget a hundred other things and the laptop that you open every now and then have made you so close to your dear ones.
Messages are sent at lightening fast speed and everyone you need is at hand.
Single phone chat lines introduce you to a world that speaks different languages and wears different clothes.
You may have not been aware that someone in Russia liked the same music that you listen to and study the same subject that you do.
Maybe, these are only the first things to get you talking and the rest, as they say, is history.
There are some numbers advertised on television and other media where you can call specific numbers to chat with single women and men.
You may be entering into a conference call with several people and you may be encouraged to stay on the phone for a long time.
Not only does it run up your phone bill, it also makes you feel emotionally drained.
If you were on the lookout for some friendship, you would be disappointed.
However, do not be disheartened.
Be smart and try something else like online chatting, where you don't need to spend any money.
There are reports that say that legitimate services are those that require you to leave a voice message and then, the person calls you back.
There may be fees attached to some sites.
However, you may not have to pay at the outset.
If you decide to proceed with a certain friend, you can go ahead and pay.
Dating online can be as much fun as a candlelight dinner.
After all, you have no choice but to talk.