Video: Wireless Router Settings for an iPhone 4
Video Transcript
Hey, I'm Skylar. On some platforms wireless router settings can be pretty tricky but on iPhone they're relatively simple. Let me show you a couple tools that will help you to interact with various wireless networks. Press your home button and slide to unlock. Now if you want to configure a wireless network I recommend getting AirPort Utility. AirPort Utility if you got an airport is the application that Apple devised to allow one to manipulate an airport settings from iPhone or iPad. So you can see this is what the application looks like, it allows you to configure the network, the name of the network, security settings, if it has a guest network, yadda yadda yadda, even advanced features such as DHCP, NAT, file-sharing. All of that stuff can be configured using AirPort Utility. Now that requires that you setup a network with AirPort Extreme, Time Capsule, or AirPort Express. All 3 are excellent products and I highly recommend each of them for any sort of network application. Now what you may be more concerned to know is how do I connect to wireless network and what will my settings be once I do. Head to your settings and tap Wi-Fi. If Wi-Fi is on it will automatically search for any available network so I've got a pretty long list here. The only one that I'm familiar with is this Ramble Productions so I'll tap it and then answer the password. Got it. Now this blue triangle here, if I tap it this shows me advanced settings. So here I can renew my lease, I can manage my HTTP proxies, I can see the Router IP address. I can also go to BootP, Static. These are all things that I can see and change just using the settings on my iPhone. However, those settings will not change the router. For that you'd require AirPort Utility or other utilities that are designed specifically to help you interface with wireless routers but this is how you connect to networks and determine the settings for that network. Thanks for watching, I'm Skylar.