Can You Plant a New Tree Where One Was Removed?
- Different trees grow to different sizes and shapes. Be sure you check with your local nursery and research the characteristics of your new tree. Make sure the tree doesn't grow into power lines, destroy a walkway or block an enjoyable view.
- Before digging to remove the root system of the old tree, call 811 or (800) 482-7171 to locate any underground utility lines. Digging even the shallowest of holes can strike underground utility lines and cause a harmful or fatal accident.
- When planting your new tree in the same place as the old one, be sure to completely remove the root system of the old tree and replace it with nutrient-rich, healthy soil.
- Proper watering can make the difference between life and death for a new tree. Be sure to understand the soil type and how much water your new tree requires.
- Staking should be avoided because your tree will become stronger while left swaying in the wind. If staking is necessary, drive a 2-by-2 foot stake into the ground at a 45-degree angle into the prevailing winds and fasten the stake to the trunk about 10 inches from the ground.