How to Sew a Money Bag
- 1). Cut two 7-by-11-inch rectangles of canvas. The long sides are the sides of the bag and the short sides are the top and bottom.
- 2). Sew the rectangles together along the bottom and sides.
- 3). Zigzag stitch around the open top of the bag. Fold down a 1/2-inch hem at the top of the bag and sew it down by sewing a seam 1/4- inch from the top edge.
- 4). Turn the bag right side out, stuff it two-thirds full of scrap paper and tie it shut with twine. If desired, glue play money into the top of the bag.
- 5). Measure the height and width of the pre-cut felt "S" and cut two narrow strips of felt slightly longer than the "S" is high and one-fourth as wide. You may be able to cut the strips from the borders of the felt.
- 6). Stick or glue the strips vertically in the center of the bag, one strip-width apart. Stick or glue the "S" over the strips to make a dollar sign. Some felt letters are self-stick and some are not. Use a single line of felt for a more modern dollar sign.