Instructions for Eating with Chopsticks
- Hold your disposable chopsticks in both hands on a horizontal plane. The tops of your thumbs will be facing up. Pull apart the chopsticks as they lay horizontally to help prevent splintering. Remove any splinters from the sides of the chopsticks before you eat with them. If you break your chopsticks, request a new pair. Avoid eating from damaged chopsticks for etiquette reasons, and because the splinters can ruin your meal.
- Lay the thick end of one chopstick against the base of your thumb and the thinner end against the knuckle of your middle finger. Make sure that a few inches of the chopstick extends away from your hand. Lay your thumb over this chopstick, clamping it against your hand. Slide the other chopstick into the same hand, resting the thicker end against the top of your index finger. Move the end of your index finger over the chopstick, and clamp it down with the end of your thumb. Finally, press the ends of the chopsticks against a solid surface, such as your plate, to slide then into a position where the tips are even.
- Put pressure on the top chopstick by using your index finger to press the ends of your chopsticks together. Use this clamping motion to grab the food you wish to eat. If your chopsticks fall out of position, take a moment to reposition them in your hand. Be persistent if you're just learning how to use chopsticks. It can be a difficult technique to master.
- In the same way that you follow certain rules when you eat with silverware, you're expected to follow certain etiquette standards when using chopsticks. For example, you must never suck on the tips of your chopstick. You also must never stab your food with your chopsticks; use your chopsticks to dig through your food or soup to find more choice pieces. If you fail to observe these rules, you could offend your host.
Breaking Apart Disposable Chopsticks
Holding Your Chopsticks
Using Your Chopsticks
Chopstick Etiquette