Dating Tips- How To Date Someone With Kids
When you meet the children of the person you are dating is the most critical factor in the relationship. It is not essential to meet the children on the first date. in fact, it is not advisable, as the future of the relationship is still uncertain at this stage. It is important though for the person to admit that he or she has children but you must give each other enough time, before you meet the kids.
While it is true that the children play an important role in your partner's life, you need a lot of time to think whether you want to be part of this scene and you want to take up the role of a parental figure in the children's lives. If you have dated your partner long enough and are serious about continuing the relationship, then it is prudent to meet the partner's children and get to know them.
While you don't wish to be rushed and pushed into meeting the children during the early phase of your relationship, it also not too wise to postpone the meeting till its too late. For instance, if you decide to meet the children after you have taken a decision to marry the partner, meeting the children at this stage only throws them off gear. They will feel quite helpless at this stage, of meeting a new parent. Not only is meeting the children important, but the timing has to be perfect for doing so.
After meeting the children, it is equally important for you to recognize and appreciate their feelings. While you are dating their parent, it is important to start building a relationship with them as well. This is sometimes difficult, as the children often reject the person who is trying to take the position of their natural parent. If the biological parent is absent due to death or divorce, the children can get particularly hurtful.
The most important thing in this is to re-assure children that you are not encroaching in their lives and taking the position of their natural parent in any way. The type of role that you are likely to take on, is something you need to discuss with your partner and the children. This way they also get to express their concerns and gives you an opportunity to clearly demarcate areas of discipline and decision making. Children would like to feel belonged in this whole process as if they have a control over matters. Making them feel comfortable and re-assured is important for long term relationship building.
After establishing a rapport with the children it is time once again to concentrate on your own relationship with your partner. Once the children have been brought to the relationship, it does not mean that you lose sight of your own life with your partner. Try and bring as much balance as possible between yourself, your partner and the children. Its important to spend as much time as possible with your partner like you did before the children came on the scene. This will help your own relationship with your partner grow and mature.
Undoubtedly, maintaining a dating relationship with someone with children is often complicated but following these tips may ease the situation. Firstly, ensure that your relationship with your partner has reached a mature stage before you meet the children. Or else they may be in for a shock, if you disappear. When you meet the children, take things easy and appreciate their feelings and understand their apprehensions. Try an not move fast, take leads from them. Once you have met the children, make sure that you continue to spend time with your partner as previously done. Following these suggestions will definitely make it smooth to build a relationship with someone with children.