Reasons to Get Help For Your Panic Attacks
Panic attacks are very real to the person suffering from them.
The intense fear and helplessness that you undergo attune your body and mental state to either a fight or flight mode.
The signs of a panic attack may vary from one person to another.
There is no one trigger for the onset of an attack and it could happen to anybody, anytime, anywhere.
Studies show that about one in 75 will suffer a panic attack at least once in his or her lifetime.
The attacks are not life threatening but when they occur more than once, they may lead to a more serious medical condition.
Here are several important reasons why you should seek help: More Complications The attacks could develop into a psychological disorder called panic disorder that could eventually progress to depression, phobias, substance abuse, and thoughts of suicide.
It can lessen your self esteem and eventually impair your personal and social life.
Its effects can range from mild behavioral changes to a total inability to face the outside world.
One out of three sufferers of panic attacks develops agoraphobia.
This phobia is associated with fear of open spaces and of traveling alone - mostly because of the fear of having another attack in public.
Quality of Life A series of panic attacks that lead to a full-blown panic disorder is a debilitating condition.
You will have the tendency to avoid conditions or situations that you perceive could lead to an attack.
If for example you have had a previous attack while driving or bowling with friends, you will avoid these activities until phobia finally develops.
More reasons to get help are your susceptibility to alcohol and drug abuse, becoming an emergency room habituate, feeling of declining physical and mental health and increased risk of attempting suicide.
When considering whether to seek help or not, remember that you are not the only one who will suffer and be affected but also your family and friends.
What you must know is that there is a very effective cure for this condition and this might as well be your primary reason for seeking help for your panic attacks.
The intense fear and helplessness that you undergo attune your body and mental state to either a fight or flight mode.
The signs of a panic attack may vary from one person to another.
There is no one trigger for the onset of an attack and it could happen to anybody, anytime, anywhere.
Studies show that about one in 75 will suffer a panic attack at least once in his or her lifetime.
The attacks are not life threatening but when they occur more than once, they may lead to a more serious medical condition.
Here are several important reasons why you should seek help: More Complications The attacks could develop into a psychological disorder called panic disorder that could eventually progress to depression, phobias, substance abuse, and thoughts of suicide.
It can lessen your self esteem and eventually impair your personal and social life.
Its effects can range from mild behavioral changes to a total inability to face the outside world.
One out of three sufferers of panic attacks develops agoraphobia.
This phobia is associated with fear of open spaces and of traveling alone - mostly because of the fear of having another attack in public.
Quality of Life A series of panic attacks that lead to a full-blown panic disorder is a debilitating condition.
You will have the tendency to avoid conditions or situations that you perceive could lead to an attack.
If for example you have had a previous attack while driving or bowling with friends, you will avoid these activities until phobia finally develops.
More reasons to get help are your susceptibility to alcohol and drug abuse, becoming an emergency room habituate, feeling of declining physical and mental health and increased risk of attempting suicide.
When considering whether to seek help or not, remember that you are not the only one who will suffer and be affected but also your family and friends.
What you must know is that there is a very effective cure for this condition and this might as well be your primary reason for seeking help for your panic attacks.