Why Numerous Toxic Chemicals Found in Tap Water Won"t Go Away
Independent studies by varied organizations have identified thousands of chemicals found in tap water in the United States.
Yes, that is correct.
And yes, not in Third World or developing nations.
How is this possible with all the money we spend on municipal treatment facilities? A study of 29 major U.
cities done by the Environmental Working Group ten years ago found that all 29 had traces of at least one weed killer.
2 or more pesticides were found in 27 of the cities and 7 or more pesticides were found in the tap water of five major U.
Think of all the junk we have poured down our drains, spread on our lawns and discarded heedlessly in our toilets since then.
Municipal filtering systems have not improved.
Many municipal systems are superannuated and in grave peril of complete failure.
Their filtered tap water is not safe to drink.
Even on a good day, municipal water treatment consists mainly of sand filters to trap large particles of dirt, and chlorine to kill a few germs.
Nothing is in place in most city filtration systems to remove lead, volatile organic chemicals or microorganisms such as giardia and cryptosporidium.
These water treatment plants were simply not designed to do the job they need to do for us today.
Filtered tap water is only safe when the home-owner can make it so with add-on systems at home.
This disturbing problem has a great deal of consequence for all of us as we need pure, well filtered tap water to survive.
The human body is primarily water after all.
All metabolic processes take place in the presence of and are dependent on abundant, clean water.
Water with numerous toxins included will only concentrate in our organs and lead to degenerative diseases and cancers of every kind.
That is fact.
Chemicals found in tap water include heavy metals, synthetic organic compounds, petroleum products, lawn chemicals and the chlorine added to kill germs.
None of these ingredients are a good thing for humans, especially babies and children.
According to the Ralph Nader Research Institute, "U.
drinking water contains more than 2,100 toxic chemicals that can cause cancer.
" Home filtered tap water is critical because U.
drinking water plants are hopelessly out of date.
In the present economic crisis this can only get worse.
The only way to protect your health and that of those for whom you care is to install a home water filtration system that removes the destructive chemicals found in tap water.
Yes, that is correct.
And yes, not in Third World or developing nations.
How is this possible with all the money we spend on municipal treatment facilities? A study of 29 major U.
cities done by the Environmental Working Group ten years ago found that all 29 had traces of at least one weed killer.
2 or more pesticides were found in 27 of the cities and 7 or more pesticides were found in the tap water of five major U.
Think of all the junk we have poured down our drains, spread on our lawns and discarded heedlessly in our toilets since then.
Municipal filtering systems have not improved.
Many municipal systems are superannuated and in grave peril of complete failure.
Their filtered tap water is not safe to drink.
Even on a good day, municipal water treatment consists mainly of sand filters to trap large particles of dirt, and chlorine to kill a few germs.
Nothing is in place in most city filtration systems to remove lead, volatile organic chemicals or microorganisms such as giardia and cryptosporidium.
These water treatment plants were simply not designed to do the job they need to do for us today.
Filtered tap water is only safe when the home-owner can make it so with add-on systems at home.
This disturbing problem has a great deal of consequence for all of us as we need pure, well filtered tap water to survive.
The human body is primarily water after all.
All metabolic processes take place in the presence of and are dependent on abundant, clean water.
Water with numerous toxins included will only concentrate in our organs and lead to degenerative diseases and cancers of every kind.
That is fact.
Chemicals found in tap water include heavy metals, synthetic organic compounds, petroleum products, lawn chemicals and the chlorine added to kill germs.
None of these ingredients are a good thing for humans, especially babies and children.
According to the Ralph Nader Research Institute, "U.
drinking water contains more than 2,100 toxic chemicals that can cause cancer.
" Home filtered tap water is critical because U.
drinking water plants are hopelessly out of date.
In the present economic crisis this can only get worse.
The only way to protect your health and that of those for whom you care is to install a home water filtration system that removes the destructive chemicals found in tap water.