God"s Divine Pattern of Prayer
Prayer can be described as divine communication between God and man.
It is one of the fundamental doctrines of Christendom.
There is however certain laid down pattern of prayer which our lord Jesus Christ clearly stated in Matthew 6:7-15.
When an individual deviates from this pattern of communing with God, such petitions may not be answered expressly.
It is a standard which must be followed to the letter if we desire to see our request manifesting in the physical.
Refrain from using vain repetitions Communing with God can often be mistaken for funfair by some individuals.
Thus they approach prayers with an attitude of calling on the name of God in vain repetitions without acknowledging his unique personality.
This definitely is the pattern of the unbelievers and not that of God.
Praise and worship God Before bringing your request to the throne of the Almighty, courtesy demands that you appreciate him for all he has done for you in the past, what he is doing in the future, and what he is going to do in the future.
Adoration and praise are key factors which opens the windows of heaven on behalf of God's children.
Praying according to the will of God When an individual makes a request that is outside the will of God, the possibility of God answering such request is very remote.
The main reason why one must pray according to the will of God is to avoid selfishness and greed.
It is therefore essential that one identify the will of God concerning an issue before going to God in prayer.
Jesus Christ when he was about to be betrayed at the Garden of Gethsemane, prayed a simple prayer: "Father if it is possible, let this cup pass over me, but not mine will, but you will be done".
Be specific in your request The more specific we are in our request to God, the more the possibility of such request being answered.
Hannah was desperately in need of a child when she had the opportunity to enter into the presence of God, she asked specifically for a male child, and God gave heed to her cry.
Ask for forgiveness of sins The prayer of a sinner is an abomination unto God; hence we must ask God to cleanse our heart of any iniquity as we approach his holy throne.
Sins that have not been confessed will create a barrier to our prayers been answered by the Almighty God.
Forgiveness is a two-way thing.
We first of all ask God to forgive us of our sins, and equally forgive those who have wronged us.
Failure to follow this instruction can be very disastrous, as some individuals have often found out.
It is one of the fundamental doctrines of Christendom.
There is however certain laid down pattern of prayer which our lord Jesus Christ clearly stated in Matthew 6:7-15.
When an individual deviates from this pattern of communing with God, such petitions may not be answered expressly.
It is a standard which must be followed to the letter if we desire to see our request manifesting in the physical.
Refrain from using vain repetitions Communing with God can often be mistaken for funfair by some individuals.
Thus they approach prayers with an attitude of calling on the name of God in vain repetitions without acknowledging his unique personality.
This definitely is the pattern of the unbelievers and not that of God.
Praise and worship God Before bringing your request to the throne of the Almighty, courtesy demands that you appreciate him for all he has done for you in the past, what he is doing in the future, and what he is going to do in the future.
Adoration and praise are key factors which opens the windows of heaven on behalf of God's children.
Praying according to the will of God When an individual makes a request that is outside the will of God, the possibility of God answering such request is very remote.
The main reason why one must pray according to the will of God is to avoid selfishness and greed.
It is therefore essential that one identify the will of God concerning an issue before going to God in prayer.
Jesus Christ when he was about to be betrayed at the Garden of Gethsemane, prayed a simple prayer: "Father if it is possible, let this cup pass over me, but not mine will, but you will be done".
Be specific in your request The more specific we are in our request to God, the more the possibility of such request being answered.
Hannah was desperately in need of a child when she had the opportunity to enter into the presence of God, she asked specifically for a male child, and God gave heed to her cry.
Ask for forgiveness of sins The prayer of a sinner is an abomination unto God; hence we must ask God to cleanse our heart of any iniquity as we approach his holy throne.
Sins that have not been confessed will create a barrier to our prayers been answered by the Almighty God.
Forgiveness is a two-way thing.
We first of all ask God to forgive us of our sins, and equally forgive those who have wronged us.
Failure to follow this instruction can be very disastrous, as some individuals have often found out.