LED Lights
LEDs are part of a type of lighting technologies called Solid-State lighting. This type also includes OLEDs (Organic Light Emitting Diodes) which consist of sheets of carbon-based compounds that glow when a current is applied through transparent electrodes.
Let us further differentiate LED lighting from other light source, namely incandescent and fluorescent lamps, for us to understand more how LED lighting can be more efficient than these other traditional lighting types.
Incandescent bulbs create light by passing electricity through a metal filament until it becomes so hot that it glows. Incandescent bulbs release 90% of their energy as heat.
In a fluorescent lamp, an electric current is driven through a tube containing gases. This reaction produces ultraviolet light that gets transformed into visible light by the fluorescent coating (called phosphor) on the inside of the tube.
LED lighting products use light emitting diodes to produce light very efficiently. The movement of electrons through a semiconductor material illuminates the tiny light sources we call LEDs. A small amount of heat is released backwards, into a heat sink, in a well-designed product; LEDs are basically cool to the touch.
How long do LEDs last, compared to other types of lighting source?
Unlike other light sources, LEDs usually don't suddenly €burn out;€ instead, they gradually fade in brightness over time. LED useful life is generally based on the number of operating hours until the LED is emitting 70% of its initial light output. Good quality white LEDs are expected to have a rated useful life of 30,000 to 50,000 hours. A typical incandescent lamp lasts about 1,000 hours and a comparable fluorescent lamp lasts 8,000 to 10,000 hours, yet some advanced fluorescent lamp system can last more than 40,000 hours. LED light output and useful life are strongly affected by temperature. LEDs must be placed in direct contact with materials that can conduct heat away from the LED.
LED lamps with an attribute of using solid-state lighting, decreases the amount of energy used for lighting in both commercial and residential application, compared to a standard incandescent light bulb which converts almost all of the consumed electricity into heat. The United States Department of Energy begins to rapidly adapt to LED lighting technology, since this method has been found to reduce the need of approximately 40 new power plants and also reduce energy demand by 33% in 2027.
LED wholesalers have been looking into the market's financial considerations in the selection of lighting products, such as purchase price and operating costs. But many other aspects also come into play, varying in importance depending on the application. LEDs have several unique attributes, and it is critical to understand how they can be used advantageously. Some considerations are dependent on product design, but others count on using LEDs in appropriate or specific situations. Some of the potentially favourable characteristics of LED sources compared to traditional lamps include:
€ Directional light emission
€ Size and form factor
€ Resistance to mechanical failure or breaking
€ Improved performance at cold temperatures
€ Dimming and control capability
€ Extended lifetime
With these considerations, LED Wholesalers has been finding ways to lead the market in terms of creating interest in buyers.
According to some market sources, at the end of 2012 some places like Europe imposed a ban on imports of incandescent bulbs, which has boosted the demand for LED bulbs in European countries. Taiwan has also started replacing incandescent street lights with LED ones, and several local governments have launched biddings for street light replacement, which are expected to give an increased sale to local LED companies.