Legal Movie & CD Downloading
- You can get full movies and full CD's from image by michanolimit from
You can use for your legal downloads. The company provides both movies and music. For movies, check out Amazon's "Video On Demand." You have the option to watch the movies online or watch them on your TV. For those looking for music, has a whole section for mp3 downloads. You can get whole CD's or buy them one song at a time. - Apple's iTunes is another legal source for both movies and scene image by Nicemonkey from
If you own an iPod, chances are you've been to Apple's iTunes. It's another great source for both movies and music that you can download legally. Its store adds new material frequently and offers a wide selection. You will probably have to download iTunes software to use their site, though. - With Netflix you can download rental movies or get them on DVD to watch on your home movie theater image by Nikolay Okhitin from
While it doesn't have audio downloads, Netflix offers full movies for download as rentals. You can watch them on your computer or your TV. You can also rent your movies on DVD and have them mailed to your house. There is a monthly fee for this services and the downloads are rental only. - While you might not find the latest movies or biggest hit songs, there are free legal media downloads to be audio player image by Alexander Potapov from
There are a number of movie sources and music sources on the web where you can get free legal downloads. Check your favorite entertainment magazines online. There is a good chance they will have some items for download. If you search for public domain movies, you will also find a lot of older movies that are legal to download and share. Check sites like for legal music downloads. - Illegal downloads compromise the security of your computer.web button image by creative from
It's not worth the risk to download illegally. While the music industry has abandoned lawsuits against downloaders, there are other potential risks. Some sites and individuals offering free media files for download are actually using those files as gateways to your computer. They carry with them spyware and viruses that compromise your system's integrity and data. Legal downloads are available and safe. The sites listed here are just a few sources.
Public Domain and Other Free Movies and Music
Don't Risk Illegal Downloads