How to Play the Saw Bow
- 1). The musical saw is a pretty basic instrument. The saw itself vibrates. It has no keys, frets, strings or tubes. The principle is that as you bend the saw and bow along the side, the saw vibrates. You can change the tone by bending and pushing the saw in a "s" curve.
- 2). Sit with the handle of the saw between your legs. Hold it firmly; you don't want it to come flying out. Face the teeth toward you. You will be playing the untoothed flat edge. Hold the bow in your right hand. Your left hand will grip the end of the saw. Curl your fingers over the end and then press down on the flat of the blade and create the "s" curve. Practice forming and moving the bend of the saw. Try to create a sound with your hands only.
- 3). Bend the saw into the "s" curve. With a small dowel or wooden handle (knife handle) tap along the saw starting at the handle. As you get farther from the handle you will find a spot that really rings out and reverberates. Mark this spot with a permanent marker or wax crayon. Reform the bend and do it again. Depending on the bend and the tightness that spot will move up and down the saw. Practice bending the saw and hitting that spot. Listen to the change of tones and get used to the sounds.
- 4). Hold the bow loosely between the thumb and fingers. Create the "s" curve and run the bow along the flat edge of the saw. There will be spots somewhat close to the ones you tapped. Mark them and they will be your places to play. Form and bend the curve, loosening and moving. The best way to learn is to practice and work it out. Bend the saw during the pull of the bow, either up or down. Experiment.
- 5). Pull the bow and release, moving the saw to change tones without bowing.
- 6). Have someone play some scales with you on a piano or a violin. Try to match them and learn the spots on the saw. It may be helpful to mark the saw while you are learning. Start with simple songs and follow the marks on the saw.