The Most Attractive Quality In A Man To Women
- Looks
- Money
- Popularity
- His car
- His muscles
Times up, what's your answer? Guess what I don't care what it is, because you're WRONG.
None of these truly explain why girls at your school find him so attractive. Point blank, the NUMBER ONE reason girls are attracted to guys is this: high status.
Every human being falls on a totem pole of status. You are either high value or low. We are all secretly testing each other for status all day long.
If a girl thinks you are attractive, that is because you were able to communicate high value in some way. If she thinks you are unattractive, it's because you communicated low status to her in some way.
Most guys identify with being low status, and they sabotage their chances with a girl without even knowing it.
There are internal ways to communicate value status and external ways. You might be familiar with some of the external symbols of high status.
Here are some that you may already be familiar with: money, cars, expensive clothes, power.
Here's a little secret about external status symbols: they don't work as well as internal status characteristics. In fact, they can work against you sometimes. Also, anyone can cultivate internal high status characteristics with a little practice - for FREE!
Here are some low status behaviors that make women run FAST.
- Neediness
- Insecurity
- Fear
- Indecisiveness
- Self Doubt
- Weakness
- Overly Appologetic
- Jealousy
- Whining, Complaining, Excuses or other victim behavior
- Approval Seeking - being nice in order to get her to like you, or constantly looking to others for their opinion
- Pompous behavior like bragging, or showing off.
- Hides flaws or is self depreciating
Here are some high status traits that make you more attractive to women:
- Leadership
- Strength of character
- Brave
- Self Respect
- Decisiveness
- Certainty
- Dominance
- Confidence
- Charisma
- Integrity
- Does not care about the opinions of others
- Single Mindedness
- Does not feel the need to show off or hide accomplishments
- Comfortable with both strengths and weaknesses
Start eliminating low status qualities in yourself and cultivating high status qualities. From the list above pick the low status behavior that you are most guilty of, and the high status behavior you want to work on. For the low status behavior, write one page repeating the affirmation "I refuse to [do this low status behavior]". For the high status quality write one full page repeating the affirmation "I [am/do this high status behavior]".
Do this every day for a weak. You will start noticing a difference. Notice when you do the low status behavior, and reduce it. Try to incorporate your high status behavior into your day to day life.