Vending Machine Refrigeration Tools
- The refrigerant fluid in vending machines maintains its overall functionality; changing it out frequently ensures the unit is running properly. A service technician opens up the unit, opens the container that holds the fluid and removes it carefully by attaching a pump and letting the fluid flow into the bucket. Once the technician adds new fluid and closes the machine, continues keeping food and beverages cool.
- Sometimes a running unit does its job too well, causing ice to accumulate all around the machine and sometimes preventing accessibility to food and beverages. After opening the unit, the technician locates any ice blocking access to food or beverages and chips it off gently with a chisel for reopening the path. After the technician closes the unit again, consumers can easily reach the food and beverages.
- Frequently changing the lock holding everything within the unit, in addition to the money received for its goods, helps prevent thieves from casing the lock before obtaining the key for opening it. A technician employs a lock re-key kit for preventing this issue, inserting the components into the key lock and making the necessary adjustments for changing it to fit the new key.
- Sometimes, even with the unit running at a high level, the power plug just isn't getting the job done anymore, either due to excessive use or a short caused by a power outlet. In this case, a technician replaces the plug with a new one by opening the back of the unit, undoing the end plug from inside the machine and rewiring a new one. Once the technician installs the new plug, the machine returns to running at full capacity.
Pump and Bucket
Lock Re-Key