Welcome to Living the Law of Attraction Lesson 30
This is your 30th lesson and because there's no €finish line€ with these lessons, I want you to go back and listen to Lesson #1 again and go through all of these lessons again at a pace that's comfortable for you.
The quote I want to leave you with is most fitting for this lesson which is on the topic of Believing. It's from Mahatma Gandhi and goes like this: €You must be the change you want to see in the world.€
MESSAGE: The tools I have provided will prepare the soil, but you must plant the seeds and create an environment that will nourish their growth and expansion. Now that you have placed your order with the universe, you must have faith.
Be resilient. Trust that it is already so, and give it to the Universe. Although you may not know the exact path to your dreams, the way will reveal itself. Be willing to take action. Once you commit to your dreams, the Law of Attraction will take care of the rest. Life will present you with the people, circumstances, and whatever else is needed to bring them into reality.
I do hope that you will make a personal commitment to creating a better life for yourself and a better world for all of us. Imagine the possibilities. Envision just how amazing this world will become as we all make the shift into awareness, into a positive state of being.
You can shift the energy of the entire planet, one person at a time. Through our awareness, generosity, commitment, and intention we can truly begin to live in accordance with the natural laws of the universe and restore our balance with nature. We can create a better world filled with love, joy, harmony, and peace.
We have been living for far too long in a state of oblivion, completely unaware of just how powerful we really are. Now is the time to reclaim our power. Now is the time to be fully accountable for the state of our lives and the state of the world we live in.
Now is the time to reclaim the joy and abundance that are rightfully ours.
Living into the Law of Attraction is always in motion.
You have already begun. Each lesson is an €Attraction€ lesson €¦ but ending of the word, the suffix, that I want to call your attention to because it's all about €ACTION€ €¦ in order to fulfill the Law, you must take action.
Do you see a brighter future now? The future is yours. The future is now. I want you to see it. Feel it. Believe it.
To fully live into the Law of Attraction and create the life of your dreams I want you to remember to:
Use your affirmations daily.
Use your gratitude journal daily.
Use your vision book daily.
Spend time each day in prayer or meditation.
Stay true to your purpose.
Believe in your dreams.
Focus on the positive.
Live in a state of constant gratitude.
Visualize the life you desire.
Be passionate about life.
Be generous.
Be happy.
Do the things that make you feel good.
Find the best in every situation.
Listen to your inner voice.
Respond to internal and external feedback.
Follow through on your inspired thoughts.
Be aware of the miracles all around you.
Be willing to take risks.
Move forward with confidence.
Acknowledge the changes you see and feel.
Remember the Law of Attraction.
Trust it
And release it to God, Source, your Higher Power and the Universe.
These are keys to unlocking the Law of Attraction and the kingdom of your wildest dreams and desire. All good wishes to you and I do hope our paths cross often.
ACTION: Do one RANDOM ACT of kindness you'd like to see in the world. It can be anything such as smiling at strangers who drive-by, or feeding someone else's expire parking meter, or giving an extra tip at a restaurant. Just make sure it's a random, generous gift someone else would have never expected for you to do for them.
BENEFIT: This random act of kindness will instantly make you feel great, the beneficiary you do it for will feel great and in a subtle yet powerful way, you'll be the change you want to see in the world!
The quote I want to leave you with is most fitting for this lesson which is on the topic of Believing. It's from Mahatma Gandhi and goes like this: €You must be the change you want to see in the world.€
MESSAGE: The tools I have provided will prepare the soil, but you must plant the seeds and create an environment that will nourish their growth and expansion. Now that you have placed your order with the universe, you must have faith.
Be resilient. Trust that it is already so, and give it to the Universe. Although you may not know the exact path to your dreams, the way will reveal itself. Be willing to take action. Once you commit to your dreams, the Law of Attraction will take care of the rest. Life will present you with the people, circumstances, and whatever else is needed to bring them into reality.
I do hope that you will make a personal commitment to creating a better life for yourself and a better world for all of us. Imagine the possibilities. Envision just how amazing this world will become as we all make the shift into awareness, into a positive state of being.
You can shift the energy of the entire planet, one person at a time. Through our awareness, generosity, commitment, and intention we can truly begin to live in accordance with the natural laws of the universe and restore our balance with nature. We can create a better world filled with love, joy, harmony, and peace.
We have been living for far too long in a state of oblivion, completely unaware of just how powerful we really are. Now is the time to reclaim our power. Now is the time to be fully accountable for the state of our lives and the state of the world we live in.
Now is the time to reclaim the joy and abundance that are rightfully ours.
Living into the Law of Attraction is always in motion.
You have already begun. Each lesson is an €Attraction€ lesson €¦ but ending of the word, the suffix, that I want to call your attention to because it's all about €ACTION€ €¦ in order to fulfill the Law, you must take action.
Do you see a brighter future now? The future is yours. The future is now. I want you to see it. Feel it. Believe it.
To fully live into the Law of Attraction and create the life of your dreams I want you to remember to:
Use your affirmations daily.
Use your gratitude journal daily.
Use your vision book daily.
Spend time each day in prayer or meditation.
Stay true to your purpose.
Believe in your dreams.
Focus on the positive.
Live in a state of constant gratitude.
Visualize the life you desire.
Be passionate about life.
Be generous.
Be happy.
Do the things that make you feel good.
Find the best in every situation.
Listen to your inner voice.
Respond to internal and external feedback.
Follow through on your inspired thoughts.
Be aware of the miracles all around you.
Be willing to take risks.
Move forward with confidence.
Acknowledge the changes you see and feel.
Remember the Law of Attraction.
Trust it
And release it to God, Source, your Higher Power and the Universe.
These are keys to unlocking the Law of Attraction and the kingdom of your wildest dreams and desire. All good wishes to you and I do hope our paths cross often.
ACTION: Do one RANDOM ACT of kindness you'd like to see in the world. It can be anything such as smiling at strangers who drive-by, or feeding someone else's expire parking meter, or giving an extra tip at a restaurant. Just make sure it's a random, generous gift someone else would have never expected for you to do for them.
BENEFIT: This random act of kindness will instantly make you feel great, the beneficiary you do it for will feel great and in a subtle yet powerful way, you'll be the change you want to see in the world!