The Main Thing Is to Keep the Main Thing, the Main Thing!
Richard Gielow, CM, a Vincentian priest from Independence, Missouri.
The theme of this retreat was to keep the main thing, the main thing.
The fact that he was a chaplain for the Chicago Bears surely wasn't! If we were offering a retreat and had such a sign posted, what would you expect it to say? I think it all depends on where you are on your journey of life.
I'm sure for any of us it would be different, depending on whether you just arrived or had years of sobriety! A common denominator would surely have something to do with our relationship with God or a Higher Power.
In my years, I have found that the person who says, "I don't believe in God.
" has caused me the most concern, frustration and fear for the person because I believe Faith is a gift and we can either accept it or reject it.
It makes me think of the little book called "When God Winks at You" by Squire Rushnell.
Chaplain James Leadabrand discovered this book at Dollar General and often refers people to this book.
Anyway, I'd like to present this question for your reflection.
What do you think the most important thing is in your life? Is it sobriety? Is it Steps 1-2-3 where you admit that you are not God, there is a God and we need to surrender our wills to God daily? Or might it be prayer, in which we seek to know God's Will for us? So when Fr.
Richard said there are ten prayers that God always answers, I got my pen into fast action and took notes on what he said.
He said God always says "Yes" to these requests: (I added on how we do this.
) 1.
"Show me you exist!"..
We might need the "God Winks" book to help us see God working in our lives 2.
"Make me an instrument"..
as is suggested on page 99 in 12 x 12 book.
"Out do me in generosity," as is implied in the Third Step prayer.
"Get me through this suffering"...
as I pray "Thy Will be done.
" 5.
"Forgive me.
as we pray in the Lord's Prayer.
"Give me courage.
" As requested in the Serenity Prayer.
"Give me wisdom"...
as we meditate from the 24 Hour Book.
"Give me peace.
" As we keep on praying the Serenity Prayer.
" 9.
"Get me through this bad situation.
" As we reflect on "Footprints in the Sand.
" 10.
"Lead me to my destiny.
as we end the Prayer of St.
Francis and ask that we be born to eternal life.
Granted, prayer doesn't mean we just ask for things, it means a genuine relationship with a Loving Being who wants us to know that we are all called to be a Beloved in eternal life! Does this seem too difficult for someone who probably suffered from their addiction so long that they struggle having any hope for the future? I recall what one my mentors, Kaye C.
, told us to share with such folks.
Tell them: 1.
"Don't drink or drug!" 2.
"Pray!" 3.
"Go to Meetings and talk!" On the last day of retreat, Fr.
Richard said the greatest compliment we could receive would be for someone to say, "I know God is alive because of you.
Wow! Could this be the main thing I am called to do? To give Hope to others longing to be called a Beloved by our Creator? Blessings to you as you reflect on what you may be called to do on your journey to happy destiny! Go to www.
org to learn more.