Are You Pregnant With Great Ideas?

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Are You Pregnant? Did my subject line get your attention? I was referring to the consistent, exciting and yet sometimes frustrating state of feeling 'pregnant with possibility'.
Have you been laboring for a long time? Are you just stopping by the drugstore to pick up the pregnancy test? Are you in your 1st trimester? Or are you long over due? No matter where you are in your process, today's blog will help you out by giving you: 5 Tips to Get Through the Labor and Give Birth to Your Possibilities.
Do you feel like you're juggling an insanely high number of projects at the same time? Including trying to have a personal life that's meaningful and makes a difference in the world? Do you have lots of really great ideas, but have trouble putting them action? How long have you been writing, speaking and planning your dream life, but you still feel like you're not much closer to realizing it? I've been studying my own life lately and have come up with some tools that have helped me move forward with ease, grace and speed.
I think you'll find them useful too.
Reconnect: This is always the first step...
Whatever is happening in your life, if you're feeling like you're running in circles and not very inspired, here's where you start.
I know, I say that every time, but seriously, you should be doing this everyday! At least once a day.
You know I don't like rules, but here's one rule I try to follow.
Every single day, breathe.
(ha) I mean breathe deeply, with intention.
Your intention is to get back to that space of knowingness.
It's there.
I promise.
Give Your Self a Break: Many of the highly successful "go-getter" women I work with, tend to go-go-go-go and rarely stop to take a break.
So when you're feeling a little overwhelmed and aren't sure what to do next.
The very next thing you must do is stop.
That's right, stop what you are doing and give yourself a break.
When you move from one task to the next to the next, it doesn't matter how much you are accomplishing, you are only focused on 'what's next'.
So stop, breathe, congratulate yourself on all that you are doing today and all that you have done.
I call this my "Look What I Did List" and if you've never done one, do it now! 3.
Write Your Big Vision: Okay, so now you are beginning to feel relaxed and reconnected.
You've created some space inside of yourself and you are ready to bring that possibility into the world.
It all starts with a vision.
I like to pick one big thing that you are working on or one great idea that you've had and then write about it as "A Perfect Day".
Imagine that you are getting ready for this 'vision' and it's happening today, or tomorrow morning.
How would you be spending that day? When would you wake up? What would you eat for breakfast? What would your house look like? Who would be living or visiting in your house? Remember, we're talking "perfect day" here, no time to be realistic.
Just get that really, big, scary, fun, exciting vision down on paper.
(for more inspiration on creating your perfect day vision try the Journaling Prompts cds, I give you a relaxing, reconnecting journaling prompt with soft music to write to, it's like having a personal journaling session with me.
- available as 2cd set or mp3 immediate download) 4.
Share Your Big Vision: Now that you've got a working vision down on paper, go share it with someone.
This is the power of the mastermind that Napoleon Hill talks about.
"Two or more gathered together creates miracles".
A few guidelines here: a.
Pick someone who will support you unconditionally in your Greatest Vision.
Tell them before you read, "I just want you to listen and tell me how fabulous I am, I'm not ready for feedback or brainstorming yet.
I just want you to hold this vision for me.
" c.
Read your Perfect Day vision to them exactly as you have it written.
As you read your Perfect Day, notice if anything feels off.
Change anything that doesn't give you an immediate feeling of 'yes!'.
You want this Perfect Day to energize you when you read it.
Take One Inspired Action: Okay! Here's that moment.
As you are reading your vision, ask yourself, "what one thing can I do today that will have the greatest impact on my life?" Then go do it! Don't judge your idea, don't worry about what that inspiration has to do with the big picture.
Don't try to figure out what's going to happen next.
Just go do it.
Now! I've given birth three times.
Twice it resulted in two amazing little people that I share my life with and once it resulted in an international revolution called The Journalution.
Each time I went through long, strenuous months of developing, growing and creating the magical possibility that was living inside of me.
Each time there were many, many moments when I felt lost and alone.
I thought I was the only one in the world who ever felt this way.
All three times I said "I can't do this.
It's too hard.
I don't know how anybody can go through this!" But when it was all over and I was holding that incredible, life-changing, living, breathing 'baby' in my hands, I was so grateful that I did it.
I was in awe of myself.
I am still in awe of myself.
I want you to feel that way too.
You have this glimpse of possibility inside of you for a reason.
You are meant to give birth to it- or you would not have been given the vision.
Yes, some days it's hard, and I feel like I want to give up.
I ask myself 'why am I doing this?', and from deep within me, comes that voice and it says, "because this is what you are meant to do in the world.
You must be the Greatest version of Sandy-licious that you can be.
" Now it's your time- go shine, go be your fabulous, delicious Self.
You Rock.
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