What Is Really Important Is Not What The World Says But What God Says!
There was a word I got away back in the summer, and as the months went by it became more and more significant - "what is important is not what the world says, but what God says".
In the light of that let's look at what Isaiah has to teach in Chapter 11 of his magnificent book.
As we read these verses, it is interesting to compare this Word with what the world is prophesying about the future.
The situation here is - that Israel had been overrun - and chopped down like a tree - and there is only a stump left - nothing to look at - totally insignificant - humanly speaking, hopeless.
It looks as if Israel was finished.
When Isaiah looks he sees something amazing.
Something has happened and something has yet to happen.
A shoot will appear - from the remains of the chopped down trunk - a branch will grow - and, this single shoot will grow strong.
What can come from one mere single shoot from an old chopped down trunk? The roots that have been lying dormant will produce a Branch that will bare fruit - and surprising things will happen.
Of course - Isaiah is referring to the Coming of Jesus Christ and in Matthew 2 : 23 we read of the fulfilment of this prophecy.
The Hebrew word for branch is 'Netzer' - from which we get Nazareth or Nazarene.
Isaiah is referring to the coming Messiah.
He will emerge out of nothing - as if from nowhere - and the Spirit of the Lord will be upon Him.
From the Holy Spirit, the Lord Jesus Christ will have these unique qualities.
Remember Jesus offers these to us.
Jesus will be wonderfully wise - completely understanding - so wise in giving counsel and advice to those who ask Him and enquire and seek - all from the Holy Spirit.
Isaiah sees through Destruction to Restoration.
Here we see a tender little Branch - becoming a Mighty Powerful Counsellor - Who has authority to do things.
All the answers which Jesus gave reveal just how true this prophecy became.
How right Jesus was, in everything He did and said.
Not only did He say what the Father wanted Him to say, but He said things the way the Father wantedthem said.
He always struck the right note.
Jesus always knew the right word to speak - and nobody could catch Him out in His Words - although they tried.
And when Jesus judges - He judges fairly - with equity - with magnificent fairness - Jesus is so fair.
When people ask us - Why does God allow this - why does your God permit such and such a thing when you consider Him to be so loving - we have to remember and explain that Jesus is absolutely fair.
Isaiah goes on later to answer these very questions.
Isaiah sees that every decision He makes will be right.
Here is a wonderful beautiful prophetic picture of Jesus Christ bringing supernatural righteousness into the affairs of men.
All this happens because He is given what is needed to be fair - and He receives it all from His Father.
We are offered the same anointing of the Holy Spirit - but we have to be willing to receive the gift.
A true Judge needs all these qualities to be fair - to be wise - to give correct counsel - and He also needs the Power and Authority to enforce these decisions.
Jesus was to delight in the fear of the Lord.
That very simply means that He feared failing the Father.
When we get a good dose of the fear of the Lord - when we are rightly afraid of failing the Father - that will banish most other fears - fears of people - fears of what people might think and say.
Proverbs 15: 33 - and 9: 10.
The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.
Jesus will not judge by appearance - nor by hearsay.
He will know the facts.
He will judge by what He finds in our hearts.
The poor and those who are oppressed will get their due protection.
The meek will have someone to stand up for them, and, the wicked and those in the grip of corruption who think they can get away with anything - He will deal with - He will slay them with His Breath.
Here is a picture of Jesus Christ the Judge.
This is an aspect we have yet to witness.
Sandy Shaw
In the light of that let's look at what Isaiah has to teach in Chapter 11 of his magnificent book.
As we read these verses, it is interesting to compare this Word with what the world is prophesying about the future.
The situation here is - that Israel had been overrun - and chopped down like a tree - and there is only a stump left - nothing to look at - totally insignificant - humanly speaking, hopeless.
It looks as if Israel was finished.
When Isaiah looks he sees something amazing.
Something has happened and something has yet to happen.
A shoot will appear - from the remains of the chopped down trunk - a branch will grow - and, this single shoot will grow strong.
What can come from one mere single shoot from an old chopped down trunk? The roots that have been lying dormant will produce a Branch that will bare fruit - and surprising things will happen.
Of course - Isaiah is referring to the Coming of Jesus Christ and in Matthew 2 : 23 we read of the fulfilment of this prophecy.
The Hebrew word for branch is 'Netzer' - from which we get Nazareth or Nazarene.
Isaiah is referring to the coming Messiah.
He will emerge out of nothing - as if from nowhere - and the Spirit of the Lord will be upon Him.
From the Holy Spirit, the Lord Jesus Christ will have these unique qualities.
Remember Jesus offers these to us.
Jesus will be wonderfully wise - completely understanding - so wise in giving counsel and advice to those who ask Him and enquire and seek - all from the Holy Spirit.
Isaiah sees through Destruction to Restoration.
Here we see a tender little Branch - becoming a Mighty Powerful Counsellor - Who has authority to do things.
All the answers which Jesus gave reveal just how true this prophecy became.
How right Jesus was, in everything He did and said.
Not only did He say what the Father wanted Him to say, but He said things the way the Father wantedthem said.
He always struck the right note.
Jesus always knew the right word to speak - and nobody could catch Him out in His Words - although they tried.
And when Jesus judges - He judges fairly - with equity - with magnificent fairness - Jesus is so fair.
When people ask us - Why does God allow this - why does your God permit such and such a thing when you consider Him to be so loving - we have to remember and explain that Jesus is absolutely fair.
Isaiah goes on later to answer these very questions.
Isaiah sees that every decision He makes will be right.
Here is a wonderful beautiful prophetic picture of Jesus Christ bringing supernatural righteousness into the affairs of men.
All this happens because He is given what is needed to be fair - and He receives it all from His Father.
We are offered the same anointing of the Holy Spirit - but we have to be willing to receive the gift.
A true Judge needs all these qualities to be fair - to be wise - to give correct counsel - and He also needs the Power and Authority to enforce these decisions.
Jesus was to delight in the fear of the Lord.
That very simply means that He feared failing the Father.
When we get a good dose of the fear of the Lord - when we are rightly afraid of failing the Father - that will banish most other fears - fears of people - fears of what people might think and say.
Proverbs 15: 33 - and 9: 10.
The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.
Jesus will not judge by appearance - nor by hearsay.
He will know the facts.
He will judge by what He finds in our hearts.
The poor and those who are oppressed will get their due protection.
The meek will have someone to stand up for them, and, the wicked and those in the grip of corruption who think they can get away with anything - He will deal with - He will slay them with His Breath.
Here is a picture of Jesus Christ the Judge.
This is an aspect we have yet to witness.
Sandy Shaw