Fiber Foods
Fiber is one of the most effective natural tools for losing weight and improving your health. Following an eating plan of high fiber foods can be a very successful way of avoiding the diet roller coaster for good. You do not have to eliminate any foods from your diet but simply add foods that are fiber-rich or make substitutions (i.e. whole wheat bread instead of white bread).
Following a high-fiber diet, in essence, forces your body to lose weight, makes it easier to keep it off, and gives you more energy. Cutting back on fat and increasing fiber content decreases the risk for many diseases including heart disease, high cholesterol and some types of cancer.
Fiber acts like a sponge in the body's digestive tract, absorbing substances containing sugars, fats, carbohydrates, and the calories associated with them. This prevents those calories from staying in your body and converting them to fat.
Fiber also adds bulk to foods, causing your body to feel full sooner and longer. This results in eating less throughout the day. Eating less results in weight loss. Fiber also slows down the digestion process in your body, guaranteeing a perfectly balanced energy level throughout the day.
*AVOID SUGAR & WHITE FLOUR. There is no fiber in many white foods (sugar, white bread, white rice, high fat dairy, and overly processed foods).
*EAT WHOLE GRAINS. Avoid white bread and white rice as they have had the fiber processed out of them. Use only food made with whole grains such as whole grain breads, cereals, wheat germ, barley and brown rice. Always check food labels.
*EAT WHOLE FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. Avoid fruit juices (except fresh fruit juices made in a juicer), as they can be high in sugar content. The skins are the richest source of fiber.
*EAT BEANS. Most varieties of beans are a rich source of fiber, especially kidney beans and garbanzo beans.
*DRINK SMOOTHIES. Throw a bunch of fresh fruit, yogurt, and ground flaxseed in the blender for a tasty, high fiber treat.
*REDUCE MEAT AND DAIRY. If you eat too much meat and dairy products you will not get enough fiber in your diet. You either need to reduce the amounts you eat or increase the amount of fiber you eat.
*DRINK LOTS OF WATER. You must drink plenty of water throughout the day to help push the fiber through your body. Water also eliminates toxins and speeds up the metabolism. Drink at least 8 glasses a day.
*All-Bran cereal and other high fiber cereals
*Psyllium husks
*Flax meal
*Kidney, garbanzo, pinto and navy beans
*Apple with skin
*Dried figs
*Corn (fresh or frozen)
*Whole grain spaghetti
*Sweet potato
Getting enough fiber in your diet is one of the most important things you can do for your body and your health. Eating fresh fruit, vegetables and grains, along with drinking plenty of water, will ensure that you get enough fiber in your diet. By making these simple change, you will feel better and live longer.
Following a high-fiber diet, in essence, forces your body to lose weight, makes it easier to keep it off, and gives you more energy. Cutting back on fat and increasing fiber content decreases the risk for many diseases including heart disease, high cholesterol and some types of cancer.
Fiber acts like a sponge in the body's digestive tract, absorbing substances containing sugars, fats, carbohydrates, and the calories associated with them. This prevents those calories from staying in your body and converting them to fat.
Fiber also adds bulk to foods, causing your body to feel full sooner and longer. This results in eating less throughout the day. Eating less results in weight loss. Fiber also slows down the digestion process in your body, guaranteeing a perfectly balanced energy level throughout the day.
*AVOID SUGAR & WHITE FLOUR. There is no fiber in many white foods (sugar, white bread, white rice, high fat dairy, and overly processed foods).
*EAT WHOLE GRAINS. Avoid white bread and white rice as they have had the fiber processed out of them. Use only food made with whole grains such as whole grain breads, cereals, wheat germ, barley and brown rice. Always check food labels.
*EAT WHOLE FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. Avoid fruit juices (except fresh fruit juices made in a juicer), as they can be high in sugar content. The skins are the richest source of fiber.
*EAT BEANS. Most varieties of beans are a rich source of fiber, especially kidney beans and garbanzo beans.
*DRINK SMOOTHIES. Throw a bunch of fresh fruit, yogurt, and ground flaxseed in the blender for a tasty, high fiber treat.
*REDUCE MEAT AND DAIRY. If you eat too much meat and dairy products you will not get enough fiber in your diet. You either need to reduce the amounts you eat or increase the amount of fiber you eat.
*DRINK LOTS OF WATER. You must drink plenty of water throughout the day to help push the fiber through your body. Water also eliminates toxins and speeds up the metabolism. Drink at least 8 glasses a day.
*All-Bran cereal and other high fiber cereals
*Psyllium husks
*Flax meal
*Kidney, garbanzo, pinto and navy beans
*Apple with skin
*Dried figs
*Corn (fresh or frozen)
*Whole grain spaghetti
*Sweet potato
Getting enough fiber in your diet is one of the most important things you can do for your body and your health. Eating fresh fruit, vegetables and grains, along with drinking plenty of water, will ensure that you get enough fiber in your diet. By making these simple change, you will feel better and live longer.